Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

No matter what school you attend, how intelligent you believe you are, the family you come from, or whatever other good qualities you possess – there is always room for growth and self-improvement.

Making the necessary changes to become the best version of yourself is a lifelong journey. As you grow older your goals and resources will change but you must keep working to ensure you are the best version of yourself, at every stage of your life. You can never be too young or old, “right now” is always the perfect time to start.

As a human being, you are made up of, three main parts; Your Body, Mind and Soul. You need to make adjustments that benefit the three parts you are made of to become the best version of yourself.

These are the steps you need to go through to become the best version of yourself;

1. Seek Guidance from God:

Best Version of Yourself

The first and most important step you need to take is to ask God for guidance. God can and will show you the areas you need to improve and the steps you need to take to get better. We see Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NLT), says

5Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.

You may be a Muslim, Jew or Sikhist and believe in One-Supreme God. You must go to your God for help, through whatever means practised in your religion.

Asking God for help goes hand-in-hand with improving your spiritual life because you will need to use prayer and worship to communicate with God. You may also read your Bible, or Quran or turn to religious books and videos for encouragement and motivation. These actions will help you take care of your Soul.

2. Become Self-Aware:

Best Version of Yourself

Be honest with yourself and take the time to understand the areas you need to work on. Assess your strengths, weaknesses, values and beliefs through deep reflective thinking, journaling and meditation. This step will take time so be patient with yourself and work on the different aspects of yourself you need to, as they appear. This is the first step in taking care of your Mind.

3. Set Clear Goals and the Steps You Need to Take to Achieve Them:

Best Version of Yourself Set Goals

Once you find an area you need to work on, set a goal you would like to achieve to ensure this area that needs work is in your past. Let’s say you keep getting D’s in Mathematics but you know you are capable of getting B’s, so your goal is to improve your Grade in Mathematics. You know you can achieve your goal if you study more, so you decide to study Mathematics more by practising questions on Mondays and Thursdays for two hours a day. This can help improve your grade in Mathematics from a D to a B.

Setting Goals and planning out steps to achieve those Goals also helps improve and sharpen your Mind.

4. Develop Healthy Habits:

Best Version of Yourself Healthy Habits

You must eat healthy foods and exercise. Today, more unhealthy food choices are available – snacks, sweets, chocolates, pastries etc. It is important you put foods in your body that can nourish you and give you the energy you need to function properly. It is also important you exercise, it is so easy to stay stuck looking at screens but you need to remember to move your body and challenge your muscles. This will help you keep your body strong and your heart pumping (that is, improve your cardiovascular strength).

Developing Healthy Habits will help you become the best-looking, mentally focused and functioning version of yourself.

Please Note: Please “SAY NO TO DRUGS”, smoking and excessive drinking. Once, you are legal (and it is not against your religion) it is okay to have a drink once in a while but drugs and smoking will only destroy your Body and Mind. It might seem cute and cool when you are young BUT you will get older and a deteriorated body and mind are not things you want.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude:

Best Version of Yourself Gratitude

Your circumstances will not always be pleasant and your experiences will not always be fun and positive but this is what life is. Life is made of Good and Bad experiences.

Practising Mindfulness will help you stay in the present moment, this will help you reduce your stress and anxiety levels because you deal with issues when they appear. You do not need to spend time dreading or being afraid of something in the future because when the future comes it will not happen the way you imagined it. Do what you can do NOW and do not waste your time worrying about problems in the future or thinking about Bad things that happened in the past  – This is Mindfulness.

Gratitude is important because it immediately shifts your perspective from negative to positive. Whenever you feel anxious, angry, sad or scared find something you are grateful for. You can be grateful for; waking up today, breathing without assistance or even having clean water to drink. No matter how small or insignificant you think something is, there is always someone who doesn’t have that thing. Be Grateful and feel the good, positive vibes of your grateful thoughts. You can practice gratitude whenever you want – as soon as you wake up, on your way to school or watching television. It is always a good time to Practice Gratitude.

Practicing Mindfulness and Gratitude will help you work on your Mind and Soul. Good, Grateful vibes are always Good for your Soul.

6. Do it Afraid:

head boy

Never let fear hold you back from something you believe is good for you. Let’s say you hate public speaking, DO IT! Challenge yourself. Even if it does not go how you would have wanted remember you learnt something by trying. Always step out of your comfort zone and remember Fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real.

Doing It Afraid will help strengthen your Mind.

7. Celebrate Progress:

When you see yourself getting better at something you set your mind to, congratulate yourself no matter how small your progress is. Say, you are supposed to wake up at 6.00 am but you usually wake up at 6.45 am, when you wake up at 6.15 am celebrate your progress as you work on getting better.

Every single step towards your goal is important.

Celebrating Your Progress helps you strengthen your mind and improves your self-esteem.

8. Be Patient and Embrace a Growth Mindset:

Have you heard the popular saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? This means great achievements take time so be patient with yourself and stay open to changes in your way of life because you are Growing.


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