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2021 NECO GOVERNMENT Theory Past Questions


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2021 Government NECO Theory Question 1


(1) (a) Authority is the formal or legal right to make and enforce laws which citizens must obey. It is the right to command and exact obedience without the use of force.

(b) Types of Authority include

  • Political Authority: It is the right to make, enforce and interpret the law in a state in order to maintain law and order. It is derived from the constitution.
  • Traditional Authority: This is derived from the customs and traditions of the people.
  • Legal Rational Authority: It is authority conferred on persons holding political offices e.g. the president, the legislature, etc.
  • Charismatic Authority: It is derived from the belief in the exceptional ability or qualities of a leader.
  • Coercive Authority: It is based on the use of force. There is always the fear of the consequences of not obeying such authority e.g. the military.
  • Delegated Authority: It is a type of authority mostly given to someone to exercise functions and responsibility on a specific area.
  • Positional or Hierarchical Authority: This is derived from the position occupied.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 2


(2) (a) Independence of the judiciary is the ability of courts and judges to perform their duties free of influence from the other arms of government.

(b) The executive arm of government interferes with the independence of the judiciary through the following ways:

  • Appointment of Judges: Appointment of the judges is done by the executive instead of the Judicial Service Commission.
  • Decrees and Edicts: Under military rule, the executive suspend the constitution and promulgate decrees that oust the powers of the court to challenge such.
  • Through Lobbying: The executive at times forces its way through judicial decision through corrupt means.
  • Disrespect of Court Decisions and Orders: The executive sometimes disregards or disobey decisions of the law courts.
  • Lack of financial autonomy: The executive still controls funds that get to the judiciary. It can starve the law courts of funds.
  • The Executive can grant prerogative of mercy to deviants.
  • Establishment of Military Tribunals under military rule interferes in judicial independence.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 3


(3) Conditions that can limit the Sovereignty of any State are:

  • Constitution of a State: Constitution limits the sovereignty of any state.
  • The Electorate: The electorate has the ultimate power to vote in or out government of their choice.
  • Dependence of State: Inadequate human and material resources can make some states dependent on others.
  • External Aid: The sovereignty of a state especially less developed states may be undermined through the assistance they receive from developed states.
  • Public Opinion: In a democratic state, the government often takes into consideration, the opinion of the people when formulating policies.
  • Insurrection Crises and State of Emergency: Insurrection groups and secessionist movements do limit the exercise of sovereignty over a state (where some sections are under rebel control).
  • International Laws and Conventions: Relationship among nations are guided by laws and sanctions which member states are bound to obey.
  • Perennial Civil Conflict/Unrest: Long lasting civil conflicts among groups in a country can limit sovereignty of a state.
  • Influence of Powerful Nations: Powerful states use their military and technological might to exert compliance from smaller and weaker nations.
  • Customs, Religion and Tradition of People in the State: The government is bound to respect the customs and traditions of people in the state.
  • Geographical Location of a State: Where a state is located can also limit her sovereignty. She is bound to respect her neighbours and resolutions of international organizations she belongs to as a result of her location.
  • Membership of International Organizations: Countries joint international organisations. They are to respect charters and resolutions of such international organizations.
  • International Treaties: Countries enter into treaties, pacts as they seek to promote socio-economic development of their state. Such countries must respect the treaties they sign e.g. trade, security agreements.
  • External Trade: States engage in trade with one another. International laws, trade agreements guide such relationships.
  • Diplomatic Immunity can also Limit Sovereign of a State.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 4


(4) (a) Political Socialization is the process of acquiring political beliefs, norms, attitudes as well as citizenship training that shape a citizen’s political behavior. Political socialization is a life-long process from the cradle until one dies.

(b) There are two primary agents and other secondary agents of political socialization. They are:

Primary Agents

  • Family: A child’s first agent of socialization is the family including political socialization. Political awareness and training starts from the family.
  • The School: The Citizens learn and practice politics from the education they receive from schools.

Secondary Agents

  • The Mass/Media: Mass media include Print and electronic media. It spreads information about political activities of the environment and the world to the citizens. This shapes their political knowledge. The media reinforces or supports societal values.
  • Peer Groups: Peer groups influence political orientation of the members through interaction.
  • Political Parties: They educate the electorate and people in the state on their political programmes and policies of government.
  • Pressure Group: Pressure groups through their numerous activities enlighten and educate their members and general public on important public issues and government actions and policies.
  • Religious Groups: Religious groups influence the political behaviour of their members through information they pass on to them.
  • Social Institutions: Clubs and societies through enlightenment programmes influence the behaviour of members.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 5


(5) Among the functions of the colonial governor in British West Africa are:

  • Presided over legislative and executive councils: The colonial governor presided over the sittings of legislative and executive councils.
  • Responsible for the Colony: The Governor was responsible to the crown (Queen of England) through the secretary of state for the colony.
  • Assent to Bills: The governor assent to bills passed by the legislative council. He signs them into law.
  • Formulation of Policy: Governor formulated economic and social policies for the colony.
  • Appointment: Governor had the power to appoint, promote, discipline or dismiss any public servant in the colony.
  • Ceremonial Function: The Governor performs ceremonial functions on behalf of the Queen.
  • Reserved Powers: (Veto Power) He exercised reserved powers in the area of law making.
  • Approved Land Allocation: Allocation of land acquired by the government were approved by the Governor.
  • Policy Execution: He co-ordinated the implementation of policies in the colony.
  • Installation and Deposition of Chiefs: The Governor had the power to install or depose African traditional rulers.
  • He Made Laws: He made laws for the colonies e.g. in Northern Nigeria he made laws through decree or proclamation. He also made laws through certification. (He could make laws without consulting the legislative council and executive councils).
  • Exercised Power of Prerogative of Mercy: He could pardon law offenders.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 6


(6) These were part of the structure of military government in Nigeria

  • The Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces/Military Presidency: He exercised ceremonial powers and real executive council.
  • The Armed Forces Ruling Council: This body performed legislative functions. The council was headed by the Head of State. AFRC composed of all service chiefs and top military officers.
  • The Federal Executive Council: The council was made up of the Head of State, Service Chiefs and Ministers. They were responsible for formulation and implementation of policies. The council performed ceremonial functions. Prior to 1985, it was known as the National Council of Ministers.
  • The National Council of State: It consisted of the Head of State, Chief of General staff, Minister of defense, service chiefs and all military governors. It coordinated and harmonized the activities of all the states and central government.
  • Judiciary: Judiciary has the chief justice of the federation as the head. Various tribunals which had judges and military officers as members were also set up.
  • The Civil Service: The head of Civil Service was Secretary to the military government. The head of ministries changed from the Permanent Secretary to Director General.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 7


(7) (a) A political party is an association of people with a common political ideology who seek to contest elections, control the personnel and policy of government.

(b) Among the Functions Performed by Political Parties are:

  • Political parties contest and win elections to control government personnel and polices.
  • They recruit political leaders to political offices.
  • They articulate the interest of their members and provide opportunities for members to channel their demands.
  • Political parties aggregate and harmonize the political interest of the various groups in the society.
  • They serve as a link between the people and the government. They explain government policies and programmes to the people; on the other hand, let the government know the problems and aspirations of the people.
  • They provide an orderly manner of changing government through election.
  • They provide political enlightenment to the people including educating them on their rights and duties, how to vote and why they should vote.
  • Political parties also create employment.
  • It checks the excesses of the government in power and makes it to be accountable.
  • Political party provides alternative for running the government.
  • Party manifestoes help government in formulating policies.
  • It provides an avenue for national integration. It unites people from different ethnic groups and works of life.
  • It’s a training ground for future political leaders.
  • Political parties activities keep the country politically alive and strengthens democracy.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 8


(8) (a) Specialized Agencies of UN include:

  • World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva
  • United Nations Children’s Fund, New York
  • Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome
  • International Labour Organization, Rome
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris
  • International Criminal Court, Hague
  • International Monetary Fund, Washington DC
  • International Organization for Immigration: Geneva, Switzerland
  • United Nations Development Programme, New York
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy
  • International Maritime Organization, London

(b) The primary duties of the specialized agencies include:

  • World Health Organization: To improve knowledge and standard of health all over the world.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund: To assist in setting up welfare, nutrition and health programmes of children in developing countries.
  • Food and Agricultural Organization: To combat hunger in the world.
  • International Labour Organization: To improve working conditions of workers throughout the world.
  • United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization: To promote world peace and security through international cooperation in the arts, education and culture.
  • International Criminal Court: To investigate, prosecute and try individuals accused of committing the most serious crimes.
  • International Monetary Fund: To maintain exchange stability and thereby discourage any fluctuation in the exchange rate.
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank): To provide loans and grants to the government of low and middle-income countries for the purpose of capital projects.
  • International Organization for Immigration: To ensure orderly and humane management and immigration of migrants, refugees and internally displaced people.
  • International Funds for Agricultural Development: To eliminate poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries.
  • International Maritime Organization: The aim is to ensure the safety security of ships and prevent marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 9


(9) The following are advantages countries stand to gain as they interact with other countries in the world.

  • Peace and Harmony: It brings about world peace and harmony through socio-economic and political interactions. It promotes more friendly atmosphere as people relate.
  • More Cultural Diffusion or Exchange: Culture is exchanged among countries of the world as a result of socio-cultural interactions.
  • Easier Access to and Provision of Loans, Grants and Aids: Through interactions among states, developing countries could access and enjoy loans, grants and aids from developed countries.
  • Economic Development: International economic interactions promote meaningful economic growth and development.
  • Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Citizens: Through domestication of international laws, rights of citizens are enhanced.
  • Promotion of Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Nations benefit from scientific and technical co-operation especially from developed countries.
  • Promotion of Tourism and Sports: Interaction among nations promote sports and tourism. These help to promote better understanding of other peoples culture, friendship and economic development.
  • Military Cooperation and Assistance: Countries can give military assistance and co-operation to one another whenever the need arises.
  • Employment Opportunities: Citizens of these nations could be employed in various organizations.
2021 Government NECO Theory Question 10


(10) The following are consequences of the Nigerian Civil War. Some are negative consequences while others are positive consequences.

  • Loss of Lives: Many Nigerians lost their lives to fire arms; some to hunger during the war. Some were disabled.
  • Loss of properties and investments: Many people in the state lost their properties and investments. Even after the war in some cities some people’s landed properties were tagged abandoned properties.
  • Cost of the War: Fighting the war cost Nigeria millions of Naira.
  • Worsened Ethnic Hatred and Tribalism: It heightened the problem of distrust, hatred and tribalism among the ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  • Unity of Nigeria: The war ensured that Nigeria did not break up. It maintained one indivisible, country.
  • More powerful central government: The war made central government more powerful. The states of the federation now depend on the central government for survival unlike before.
  • Disrupted Education: The war disrupted education of students in some part of the country especially the eastern region. Many institutions of learning were destroyed, while others were closed.
  • Retarded Economy: Economic activities in the country was almost at a standstill many factories and industries stopped production.
  • Dented Image: Nigeria’s Image abroad was adversely affected because of the war propaganda.
  • Creation of States: Twelve states were created to forestall the war.
  • Increase in Crime Rate: There was increase in crime rate in the country as the discharged soldiers were not fully demobilized.
  • Introduction of national integration Programmes: To promote national integration and unity after the war, some National integration programmes were introduced such as NYSC, establishment of unity schools.
  • Enhanced Nigeria’s confidence in OAU: Only four African states during the war recognized the secessionist regime (Biafra), this increased Nigeria’s confidence in OAU.
  • Currency Policy of the Federal Government made a section of the country poorer. At the end of the war, inspite of the amount of money you have in the bank, the people of the South-East could only be given 20 pounds.
  • It offered Nigerian leaders the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of past leaders that led to the civil war in order to prevent a future occurrence of war.