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  1. Animal Feeds And Feedings | Week 1
    3 Topics
  2. Types of Feedstuffs and Feedings | Week 2
    3 Topics
  3. Ration, Diet And Malnutrition | Week 3
    8 Topics
  4. Feeding Tools and Equipment for Farm Animals | Week 4
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Animal Pests And Diseases Control | Week 5
    4 Topics
  6. Bacterial Diseases In Farm Animals | Week 6
    2 Topics
  7. Fungal and Viral Diseases in Farm Animals | Week 7
    3 Topics
  8. Protozoan | Worm | Nutritional Diseases | Week 8
    3 Topics
  9. Effects of Diseases on Farm Animals | Week 9
    4 Topics
  10. Farm Animals Parasites | Week 10
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • General Signs for the Identification of a Sick Animal
Foot and Mouth Disease 2

(i) Reduction in productivity.

(ii) Loss of appetite (Anorexia).

(iii) Loss of weight (Emaciation).

(iv) Slow or delayed growth rate.

(v) Reduction in farmer’s income.

(vi) Ruffled feathers.

(vii) Swelling of the joints.

(viii) Increase in body temperature (fever)

(ix) Diarrhoea and Anaemia.

(x) Difficult breathing and coughing.

(xi) Gnashing of teeth and excessive salivation.

(xii) Slow movement among the herd and death.

(xiii) Unthriftiness.

(xiv) Discharge from mouth and eyes.

(xv) Moving in circles with eyes closed in birds.

(xvi) Noisy breathing.