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Woodwork Hand Tools | Week 14 Topics|1 Quiz
Woodwork Hand Tools (Continued) | Week 24 Topics|1 Quiz
Care And Maintenance of Woodwork Hand Tools | Week 32 Topics|1 Quiz
Metalwork Hand Tools | Week 44 Topics|1 Quiz
Metalwork Hand Tools (Continued) | Week 51 Topic|1 Quiz
Care and Maintenance of Metalwork Hand Tools | Week 6 & 72 Topics|1 Quiz
Maintenance of Tools or Machines and Importance of Maintenance | Week 8, 9 & 106 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2 of 7
In Progress
Woodwork Hand Tools (Continued) | Week 2
Performance Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
- List and Identify boring tools
- List and Identify holding devices
- List and Identify cutting and pairing tools