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  • Meaning of Obedience

Meaning of Obedience:

Obedience is the act of doing or being willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority.

Obedience in the Bible is hearing (reading or knowing) the word of God and doing it. To be obedient to God, we have to set our minds and live our lives according to God’s will. We obey God not because we are afraid of Him but because we love Him and are grateful to serve Him.

We must obey God but we are also supposed to obey people in authority as well, this includes our parents, teachers, school principals and those in governmental authority. We are meant to obey all those in constituted authority. Constituted authority refers to an individual, group or body that has the legal and lawful power to carry out certain duties for the common good of the group or society.

An Obedient Christian has the following qualities; They

i. Fear the Lord

ii. Are amazed by God’s Works and His Grace.

iii. Hold God in high regard (they respect God).

iv. Speak God’s Word freely and honestly.

v. They do not tell lies and can be trusted.

vi. Walk in Peace and Uprightness.

However, to have utmost obedience to God we must have faith in Him.



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