Topic Content:
- Examples of Application Software and their uses
- Word Processing, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Database Management, Graphics, etc.
Below are various application software, their examples, and their uses.
a. Word Processing Software:
This is used to create, edit and print documents such as letters, essays, term papers, holiday assignments, and project writing. In Word, different formats can be applied to make the document more attractive before it is printed.
Examples of Word Processing Software:
- Microsoft word.
- Word star.
- Word perfect.
- Word Pro.
- Word pad.
- Microsoft OneNote.
- Display Write.
- Wordcraft.
- Multimate.
- Instant page.
- Form words.
b. Presentation / Multimedia Software:
This is software used to create slides for making presentations. It also has clipart images, which can be inserted into slides.
This particular software is wonderfully built, with many features such as animations, transitions, timing, rehearsals, themes, etc.
Examples of Presentation / Multimedia Software:
- Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Moviemaker.
c. Spreadsheet Software:
This is an electronic sheet used to perform mathematical calculations in rows and columns. Data is entered into cells and the cells have unique addresses. for example, A1, B5, C10, etc.
Financial Institutions make use of this software, in performing calculations and recording transactions. This software has many features.
Example of Spreadsheet Software:
- Microsoft Excel.
- Lotos 1-2-3.
- VisiCalc.
- Lotus Freelance.
- Quatro.
- SuperCalc.
d. Database Management Software:
This is the software used to create and manage databases. It stores and manages records. The records can be accessed very quickly when required. Examples of such records are a catalogue of books in your school library and records of students in your college. You query the database when you want to obtain information, from the database.
Examples of Database Management Software:
- Database III.
- Database IV.
- Fox Pro.
- Fox Base.
- Microsoft Access.
- Paradox.
- Oracle.
- R:Base.
- Betabase.
- Clipper.
e. Graphics Software:
This refers to a program that enables a person to manipulate images visually on a computer. There are two main types: Painting and Drawing packages. A painting package produces images, by changing the colour of pixels on the screen. The images are coded as a pattern of bits, to create a bitmapped graphics file. Bitmapped graphics are used for images such as scanned photographs, or pictures taken with a digital camera.
Examples of Graphic Software:
- CorelDraw.
- Draw Perfect.
- Harvard Graphics.
- Print Master Plus.
- Auto CAD.
- Instant Artist.
- Freelance Drawing.
- Adobe Photoshop.
- Ventura.
- Adobe Indesign.
- Illustrator.
- Inkscape.
f. Internet Access Software:
Internet Access Software can control and restrict Internet, and network access to specific software. It is used to filter Internet content by website, IP address, Port, and Programs. The Automatic settings therein are used to restrict Internet access. The restrictions allow only specific websites or all websites. It is software basically used to exchange information electronically. It allows one to send and receive messages.
Examples of Internet Access Software:
- Internet Explorer.
- Mozilla Firefox.
- Google Chrome.
- Safari
- Internet Relay Chat.
- Usenet.
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- World Wide Web (www)
- Search Imminent.
g. Games Software:
A game engine is a software development environment, designed for people to build video games. Developers use game engines to construct games for consoles, mobile devices, and personal computers. GameMaker Studio, Adventure Game Studio, and Adobe Flash can be used by programmers to improve their coding of game software.
Examples of Games Software:
- Prince of Persia.
- Accolade.
- Shadow Knight.
- Minesweeper.
- Solitaire.
- Chess.
- Hearts.
- Ninja.
- Spiderman.
- Batman.
- Terminator.
- Chicken Invaders.
- Super Mario.
- Resident evil.
- Avatar.
- Ben ten.
- Combat.
- Adventure.
- Puzzle.
- Real-Time Strategy.