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Lesson 1, Topic 3
In Progress

Comprehension: Time for a story (1) the Discontented Fish (page 34)

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Topic Content:

  • Text: New Oxford Secondary English Course for JSS1
  • Title: The Discontented Fish (page 34)
  • Passage Questions and Answers

In this Unit you will read the last part of the Discontented Fish before you begin to answer the questions.

The Disconnected Fish:

1. Once upon a time, some little fishes lived in a quiet pool near a river. Almost all of them were pleasant, friendly fish and lived and played very happily together. But one fish was different. He was not a big fish, but he was the biggest fish in the pool. He was proud of this and refused to be friendly with the other fish.

“Stop playing!” he would say, “It’s time for my afternoon rest. Go away!”

2. The older fish began to get annoyed.

“Let him go away and leave us in peace!” said one.

“That’s a good idea,” said the oldest fish. “I’ll go and talk to him.” So the oldest fish swam to the biggest fish and said,

“That pool is too small for you and we’re all small too. Why stay here? Go and join the big fish in the river.”

3. The biggest fish decided to take the advice of the oldest fish. So the next day, he swam down to the river. When he reached it, he said to himself, “Now I must make friends with the other big fish.” Suddenly, the water around him began to sway about. He looked up and saw four fish passing over his head. They were much bigger than he was.

“I must hurry and join them,” he thought. But one of them looked down. “Out of my way, little fish!” he said in an angry voice. “This water is ours.” Then they drove him away.


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Discontented Fish

Paragraph 1

  1. The pool was near a river
  2. The big fish was the biggest of all the fishes in the pool
  3. He wanted to have his afternoon rest

Paragraph 2

4. They wanted the biggest fish to go away and leave them alone

5. The oldest fish told the biggest fish to join the big fish in the river

Paragraph 3

6. He wanted to make friends with the other big fish

7. Four bigger fish than the biggest fish swam in the river

8. The four river fish told the pool fish to go away from the river

Paragraph 4

9. The pool fish hid in the mud at the edge of the river

10. They chased him away

11. The fish in the pool was nice, while the fish in the river weren’t

Paragraph 5

12. The biggest fish wanted to join in their game

13. The biggest fish had learnt its lesson

14. He had learnt to be content, not to be proud

All paragraphs

Question 15

  1. He was proud of this and refused to be friendly with the other fish
  2. Let him go away and leave us in peace
  3. The biggest fish decided to take the oldest fish’s advice
  4. Pride comes before a fall
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