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JSS1: English Language 1st Term Examination - Section A | Essay
JSS1: English Language 1st Term Examination - Section B | Comprehension
JSS1: English Language 1st Term Examination - Section C | Objectives
JSS1: English Language 1st Term Examination - Section D | Test of Orals
JSS1: English Language 1st Term Examination - Section E | Literature
Writing: Letter Writing (Types)
Topic Content:
- Meaning of Letter Writing
- Meaning of Formal Letter
- Features & Example of a Formal Letter
- Meaning of Informal Letter
- Features & Example of an Informal Letter
What is Letter Writing?
Letter writing is a form of writing. It is an important means of communication between two parties on a particular topic, matter, issue, or incident. It equally serves the purpose of documentation.
There are two types of letters:
1. Formal letter
2. Informal letter
What is a Formal Letter?
A formal letter is a letter written to people who hold official positions in societyThe term society is derived from the Latin word 'socius' meaning friendship or companionship. Society is a community, nation or group of people who share the same traditions, institutions, rules and... More. Such letters can be in the form of applications, requests, appeals, complaints, and others.
A good example is a letter that was written to the Principal of your school, a letter to the Commissioner of Police, a letter to your Class Teacher, and a letter of request to the Chairman of your Local Government Area.
Features of a Formal Letter:
1. Sender’s Address and Date: This is written at the top right-hand corner.
2. Receiver’s Address: The receiver is also called the recipient. This is written immediately after the date on the left-hand corner of the page.
3. Salutation/Greetings: Sir/Madam depending on whether the person is a man or a woman. This is written after the receiver’s address.
4. Heading/Title: The title comes immediately after the greeting and is underlined; but when it is written in capital letters, it is not underlined. Every keyword or title begins with a Capital letter.
5. Body of the Letter: The body of the letter is written here and it is divided into paragraphs.
6. Conclusion: The conclusion will depend on what you have written as you summarise your letter in one sentence.
7. Subscript: (Complimentary close)
Yours faithfully,
Full name: Daniel Jones
What is an Informal Letter?
An informal letter is the (most common) type of letter. It is also called a personal letter. This is the letter written to our parents, siblings, friends, classmates, neighbours etc.
We write informal letters to any person we share a close relationship.
Features of an Informal Letter:
1. The Writer’s Address and Date: This is written in the top right-hand corner.
2. Salutation/Greetings: This is done in a number of ways starting with ‘Dear’ and adding the name with which you address the person such as “Dear Kelvin”, or “Dear Dad”.
3. Body of the Letter: This is the reason or content of the letter.
4. Conclusion: End the letter in an interesting way.
5. Subscript:
Yours sincerely,
Write the features of:
1. Formal Letter
2. Informal Letter
Reading Assignment: Letter Writing
Reference: New Oxford Secondary English Course, Book 1 Page 113-114 by Ayo Banjo et al.