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  1. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 1
    5 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  2. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 2
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 3
    4 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  4. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 4
    4 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  5. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 5
    6 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  6. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 6
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 7
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  8. JSS1: English Language 1st Term | Week 8
    4 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  9. JSS2: English Language 1st Term | Week 9
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz

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Topic Content:

  • Describing the Sound /k/
  • Describing the Sound /g/
  • Sound Contrast: /g/ & /k/

Describing the Sound /k/:

During the production of this sound, the back of the tongue makes contact with the velum. This contact results in a total obstruction of air. The vocal cords are widened and do not allow any vibration.

/k/ is voiceless and it has many spelling symbols, examples are: rake, fake, rock, mark, cock, sick, and quill.


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    List 10 words that have the sound /g/
    1. got
    2. gap
    3. gate
    4. gorilla
    5. golf
    6. goat
    7. ghost
    8. gun
    10. gang
    Write 10 words that have the sound /k/
    1. kite
    2. keep
    3. cat
    4. kept
    5. curse
    6. kill
    7. cast
    8. kitten
    9. coat
    10. keen
    Contrast the following words on /g/ and /k/
    degree, back, crate, cot, bag, decree, grate, got, class, cable, glass, gable
    /g/ /k/
    degree decree
    bag back
    grate crate
    got cot
    glass class
    gable cable

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