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Topic Content:

  • Physical Changes (Puberty)
  • Cognitive Development
  • Social Development

The period of adolescence can be exciting but also challenging, as adolescents navigate puberty changes while seeking their own identity and place in the world.

Characteristics of adolescence include:

1. Physical Changes (Puberty):

This includes:

  • a rapid increase in height and weight
  • the development of secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., breast development in females, facial hair in males, and growth of pubic and underarm hair in both)
  • increased production of hormones like testosterone in males and estrogen in females.

2. Cognitive Development:

Cognitive development means the development of the ability to think more deeply and reason. Brain development is part of cognitive development. Adolescents begin to explore their own identities, values, and beliefs.

3. Social Development:

Adolescents form close bonds with their peers and sometimes take their advice over their parents or wiser adults. They also become attracted to the opposite sex and form early relationships.

4. Risk-Taking Behaviors:

Adolescents may engage in risky behaviours, for example, smoking, taking illicit drugs or risky sexual behaviours. At this stage, they are very impulsive and often make poor choices which they learn from.

5. Development of Independence:

Adolescents start seeking independence from family and begin to establish personal goals, career aspirations, and personal beliefs. They gradually take on more responsibility for their actions, including educational achievements and social interactions.