Topic Content:
- The Rights of a Child
- Basic Principles to Child’s Rights
Children are not just objects who belong to their parents and can’t make decisions on their own. They are human beings and individuals with their own rights. In Nigeria, a young human being who is 18 years or below is a child.
The UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child on 20th November 1989. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Convention says childhood is separate from adulthood, and lasts until 18; it is a special, protected time, in which children must be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity.
- The OAU proclaimed the 1990s as the Decade of the African Child
- June 16th of every year was set as the “Day of the African Child”.
Rights of the Child:
1. A child has the right to Life
2. Right to Survive.
3. Right to Develop.
4. Right to Participate actively in the promotion of his/her right.
5. Right to flourish with dignity.
Basic Principles to Child’s Rights:
1. Every child has the right to life and to be allowed to survive and develop.
2. Every child is entitled to a name, family and nationality.
3. Every child is free to belong to any association or assemble according to the law
4. Right to express opinions and free communication.
5. Right to be protected from any act that interferes with his or her privacy, honour and reputation
6. Every child is entitled to adequate rest, and recreation (play and leisure) according to his or her age and culture.
7. Every child, male or female, is entitled to receive compulsory basic education and equal opportunity for higher education, depending on individual abilities.
8. A child is entitled to good health, protection from illness and proper medical attention for survival, personal growth and development.
9. Every child is to be protected from indecent and inhuman treatment through sexual exploitationTo use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage. More, drug abuse, child labour, torture maltreatment and neglect.
10. No child should suffer any discrimination irrespective of ethnicity, origin, birth, colour sex, language, religion, political and social beliefs, status or disability.