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  1. Farm Structures & Building | Week 1
    2 Topics
  2. Definition of Farm Buildings | Week 2
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Crop Propagation & Cultural Practices I | Week 3
    3 Topics
  4. Crop Propagation & Cultural Practices II | Week 4
    3 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  5. Agricultural Practices I | Week 5
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Agricultural Practices II | Week 6
    3 Topics
  7. Harvesting Operations | Week 7
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Meaning of Harvesting Operation
  • Effects of Timely Harvesting
  • Effects of Late Harvesting

What is Harvesting?

This is the practice of collecting mature farm produce from the crop plant.

Harvesting can be done by hand, without the use of any tools. The removal of matured fruits from a tree plant by hand is termed plucking.

Plucking fruits from tree.

Harvesting can be done manually with simple farm tools such as hoes, sickles, or cutlasses.

It can also be done mechanically with the use of harvesters.

A harvester is a machine which cuts and often collects crops such as wheat, maize, or vegetables.

Effects of Timely Harvesting:

a. Early harvesting prevents pest infestation.

b. Early harvesting prevents crop wastage, loss, and spoilage on the field.

c. Early harvesting improves the quality of crops and farmers’ income.

Effects of Late Harvesting:

a. There will be a shortage of food for the population.

b. There will be a reduction in farmers’ income, which also leads to the spoilage of produce.

c. Late harvesting encourages over-ripening of fruits and also allows pest infestation.