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  1. Definition of First Aid | Week 1
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Rescue Operation | Week 2
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Materials & their Common Uses (Wood) | Week 3
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Materials & their Common Uses (Metal) | Week 4
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Uses of Common Alloys (Brass & Bronze) | Week 5 & 6
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Uses of Ceramics and Glass (Contd) | Week 7 & 8
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Uses of Plastics | Week 9
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Uses of Rubber | Week 10
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Treatment of Bleeding
  • Treatment of Wounds
  • Treatment of Burns
  • Treatment of an Unconscious Person
  • Treatment of Respiratory Problems

Treatment of Bleeding:

Bleeding is the act, fact, or process of losing blood or having blood flow as a result of damage to the blood vessels.

1. Call for medical assistance immediately.

2. Apply direct pressure using a clean cloth or sterile dressing directly on the wound.

3. Bleeding, that occurs from small wounds, should be stopped by cleaning the wound with cotton wool, and applying iodine solution, or methylated spirit on the surface of the wound.

4. Wounds should be bounded with bandages to prevent the cotton wool from falling.

5. DO NOT take out any object that is lodged in a wound; see a doctor for help in removal.

6. For large wounds, identify the damaged blood vessel and constrict it, to reduce the amount of blood flow.

7. For nose bleeds, adjust the sitting position of the victim. Sit the injured down with the head leaning forward.

8. Once bleeding is controlled, keep the victim warm by covering with a blanket, and continuing to monitor for shock.

Treatment of Wounds:

1. Wash your hands and cleanse the injured area with antiseptic soap and clean water, then blot dry. Using hand gloves is recommended to prevent the spread of germs.

2. Apply antibiotic ointment to minor wounds, and cover with a sterile gauze dressing or bandage that is slightly larger than the actual wound.

3. If the wound is still bleeding apply measures to stop or control the bleeding.

4. Call for medical assistance immediately to make sure the wound does not get infected.

Treatment of Burns:

1. Remove the clothing of the victim.

2. Give the victim pain-relieving medicine like Paracetamol or Panadol.

3. Flush the burned area with water to alleviate pain, especially for acid or chemical burns.

4. Dress the burn using sterile gloves and solutions.

5. DO NOT apply any creams or gels. This may cause further damage to the skin.

6. If a chemical burn is in the eyes, flush continuously with water and seek medical attention immediately.

7. Monitor the victim for shock and seek medical assistance.

Treatment of an Unconscious Person:

1. Do not leave an unconscious victim alone except to call for medical help.

2. Allow the victim access to fresh air.

3. Open the victim’s mouth to allow the passage of fresh air into the body.

4. Loosen the clothes and other closely fitted materials such as neckties, wristwatches, belts, etc.

5. Keep the person warm and covered with a blanket or clothing.

6. Cover the victim with a blanket to keep warm and prevent shock.

7. Roll the victim on his or her side to drain any saliva or vomit from the mouth.

Treatment of Respiratory Problems:

Some causes of breathing problems include near-drowning, injury to the neck, chest, or lungs, or a heart attack.

1. Call your local emergency number right away.

2. Loosen any tight clothing.

3. Check the person’s airway, breathing, and pulse. If necessary apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (CPR) by blowing air into the victim’s lungs forcefully.

4. Continue to monitor the person’s breathing and pulse until medical help arrives. 
