Topic Content:
- Types of Office Documents
There are two types of Office Documents:
1. Sales Documents.
2. Purchases Documents.
1. Sales Documents:
These are documents which are prepared and used, during and immediately after the sales of goods in an organisation. Some of the important sales documents used in an office are:
1. Price List: This is a list containing all the goods available for sale and their prices.
2. Quotation: A quotation is normally sent by a seller in reply to an enquiry from a buyer. It shows the items an organization is willing to offer, for sale and the stated prices.
3. Invoice: An invoice is prepared by the seller to indicate the value of goods sold to the buyer. It shows the quantity description of goods, unit price, amount, and terms of sale.
The following information is contained in an invoice:
- Name of the buyer and supplier.
- Date of the transaction.
- Quantity of goods sold.
- Description of goods.
- The unit price of goods.
- The total amount of goods sold.
- Terms of sales, for example. cash discount.
4. Pro-Forma Invoice: This invoice is used as a polite way of saying that credit will not be allowed.
5. Statement of Account: This is a statement sent periodically to a debtor to show how much he owes.
6. Credit Note: The credit note is a business document having similar columns to the invoice. It is used by the seller when:
a. Customers are wrongly overcharged.
b. Goods are returned by customers.
c. An allowance is granted, for example, the return of containers and empties, etc.
7. Debit Note: If a supplier should mistakenly undercharge a customer in an invoice previously sent, it is not proper to request the buyer to send back the invoice for correction, therefore, a debit note is sent to the buyer to correct the undercharge.
For example, if a seller sells LG speakers for ₦80,000, but writes an invoice of ₦8,000, he or she will send out a debit note of ₦72,000 to correct the mistake.
8. Delivery Note: The delivery note is used when goods sold are being delivered to the buyer. It shows the quantity and description of the goods sent. The delivery note is signed by the buyer, to confirm the delivery, and sent back through the person that delivered the goods.
9. Receipt: This is a document which is sent to the buyer as evidence or proof of payment.
Purchases Documents:
The following are some of the documents associated with purchases of goods. They are mainly used before purchases are made.
1. Letter of Enquiry to the Supplier: A letter of enquiry is normally used by the purchaser, to find out from various suppliers, if certain goods are in stock and the terms of sale.
2. Order: An order is a document used by the purchaser, to give instructions to a supplier on the stated items. It includes the price and quantity to be delivered. it is referred to as “order form”.