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Basic Programming Language Rules
Topic Content:
- Basic Programming Language Rules
The following are some of the rules that apply to the standard version of BASIC:
1. Every statement must appear on a separate line.
2. A statement cannot be continued on the next line, it must not exceed one line in length.
3. Each instruction in BASIC program is written as a separate statement.
4. Each statement must begin with a statement number or line number (essentially a positive integer). No two statements have the same line number. The lines are sometimes coded in multiples of 10, 20, 30 40, etc to allow for insertions incase of omissions.
5. Each statement must be followed by a BASIC Keyword which indicates the type of instruction that is to be carried out.
6. Successive statements must have increasing statement numbers.
7. Statements are to be executed in line number sequence unless a Go-To statement is encountered.
8. On most computers, programs must end with an END statement.
9. To branch to a different place in a program, we use the GO TO statement.