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Quiz 13 of 21

JSS2: English Language Second Term – The Structure of a Flower

Test Guide:

Test your knowledge on “The Structure of a Flower”.

Instructions: Read the passage below and answer All Multiple Choice Questions.

Time allowed: 10 mins

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Structure of a Flower

The Structure of a Flower:

          The flower is attached to the stem by a stalk called the pedicel. The pedicel is swollen where it is attached to the flower and this part is known as the receptacle. Other floral parts are attached to the receptacle. The outermost set of the floral parts are the sepals which are arranged in a ring. The collective name for the sepals is the calyx. Pride of Barbados has five sepals which are separated from each other and are reddish-yellow in colour.

          On the inner side of the sepals are the petals. The petals are also arranged in a ring. The collective name for the petals of flowers is the corolla. Pride of Barbados has five separate petals. One of the petals is called the standard petal and is located at an inner position relative to the other petals. All the petals are coloured yellow or red. The standard petal is usually smaller in size than the other petals. There are ten stamens on the inner side of the petals. The stamens are of unequal length and are collectively known as the androecium. A stamen consists of the filament and an anther. The anther contains the pollen grains. In the central part of the flower is the female part known as the pistil or gynoecium. The gynoecium consists of the ovary, the style and the stigma. The stigma is at the top of the style. The ovary encloses the ovule.