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The National Goals of Nigeria can only be achieved, through good educational programmes, and orientations. The National Policy, on Education, can be used to enhance and achieve the necessary goals of the nation, and these include:

  • National Consciousness and National Unity:  Both the National goals, and objectives of Social Studies, aims at inculcating National consciousness and unity. Nigeria is a country with diverse ethnic groups. These different ethnic groups have different cultural heritage, and for them to live together peacefully, they need to understand one another.
  • Development of the Right Types of Attitudes and Values:  They both aim at inculcating into children, the right types of values and attitudes, for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society.
  • Understanding the Immediate and Global Environment: An important goal and objective of Social Studies, is to create awareness, of the ever-changing social and physical environments, as a whole. It also aims at understanding the natural, man-made and cultural resources, as well as the wise use and protection of these resources for the future development of the nation.
  • Knowledge and Skill Acquisition: The basic skills include; listening, speaking, reading, writing, calculating, observing and analyzing, and inference which are all essential for sound judgment.

The National Goals of Nigeria are embedded in our National Education Programmes, which are infused in the National Policy on Education. These programmes are expected to perform their functions at the various levels of Education, that is, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels. This is done by teaching various subjects, which are expected to be related to the educational goals, of the Nation.



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