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The forms of marriage include;

  1. Religious Marriage.
  2. Customary or Traditional Marriage.
  3. Ordinance or Court Marriage.

Religious Marriage: 

This type of marriage is based on the couple’s religion. It is divided into two namely; Christian and Islamic marriage.

Christian Marriage:

It takes place in the church. It is usually conducted by the priest, reverend, or pastor. This form of marriage encourages monogamy i.e. one wife and one husband.

church wedding

Islamic Marriage: 

It takes place in mosques or private homes. Islam supports polygamy i.e. one husband and many wives. It is usually conducted by an Imam or Alfa.

Nigerian Muslim Wedding

Customary Or Traditional Marriage: 

This form of marriage is done according to the customs and traditions of a community. Each community has its own distinctive way of conducting the marriage. The amount of money paid by the groom to the Bride’s Family is called “Bride Price” or “Dowry”. This type of marriage embraces polygamous marriage because it accepts a man from marrying more than one woman.

Nigerian Traditional Wedding

Ordinance Or Court Marriage: 

This form of marriage usually takes place at the registry. It is conducted by a Magistrate, Senior Local Government Official or a Court Registrar. This form of marriage supports a man with one wife until death separates them.

nigerian court wedding


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