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Topic Content:

  • Definition of Group Behaviour
  • Why do People Move in Groups?
group behaviour

A group is a collection of people who work together and share the same beliefs, ideas, values and aims.

Group behaviour refers to the situation where people interact in a large or small group.  It is the attitude exhibited by the people which is also referred to as collective action.

It is also the type of feeling, emotion, or attitude exhibited by a number of people who share feelings of belonging and interact with one another.

Why do People Move in Groups?

Here are some reasons why people join groups;

1. Status: If you join a group with members who outsiders view as important, it can provide recognition and status.

2. Self-esteem: It provides feelings of self-worth.

3. Power: There is power/strength in numbers.

4. Goal Achievement: Some goals require more than one person to achieve. When different people of different skills, talents and knowledge come together, it can lead to better productivity.

5. Security: People feel stronger in groups because there are more people to serve as protection. It reduces the insecurity of working or standing alone.
