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Resources from Non-Living Things | Week 102 Topics|1 Quiz
Global Warming
Topic Content:
- Definition of Global Warming
- Effects of Global Warming
- Control of Global Warming

What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere, owing to the emission into the atmosphere of large quantities of carbon dioxide from coal, diesel oil, petrol, kerosene, cooking gas, and firewood used for industrial and domestic purposes.
These pollutants trap heat from radiation that would have normally escaped into space which causes the planet to get hotter.
The air in our atmosphere is composed of molecules of different gases. The most common gases are;
Gas | Volume |
Nitrogen | 78.084% |
Oxygen | 20.95% |
Argon | 0.934% |
Carbon dioxide | 0.0382% |
Neon | variable |
Water vapour | variable |

Effects of Global Warming:

1. The gradual covering of some low dry land with water from the oceans.
2. Increase in atmospheric temperature.
3. Rising ocean levels.
4. Climate change.
5. Unusual changes in ocean currents.
6. Progressive melting of polar ice, in the arctic and antarctic zones, as a result of an increase in temperature.
Control of Global Warming:
1. Use of alternative sources of energyEnergy is the ability to do work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, and electrical energy. Units of Energy: The SI unit... More such as hydroelectric power, wind power, solar energy, and nuclear energy.
2. Control of bush burning.
3. Reduction in the amount of petrol used for driving cars through the use of biofuel (a mixture of petrol and ethanol) in place of petrol alone.
4. Reduction of emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.