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  1. Computer Career Opportunities | Week 1
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Computer Viruses I | Week 2
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Computer Viruses II | Week 3
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Introduction To The Internet | Week 4
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Internet Terminologies | Week 5
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. The Concept of Digital Divide | Week 6
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Database Concept, Definition And Terminologies | Week 7
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Database II | Week 8
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Database III | Week 9
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Meaning of Computer Science

What is Computer Science?

Computer science is an applied science, that deals with ideas built around the use of the computer machine, to solve human information processing problems.

Unlike Biology, Chemistry, and Physics which deal with phenomena, computer science mainly deals with man-made, phenomena models of information system entities, and processes. Computer science provides a formal basis for its ideas, while its technology provides tools and techniques for the practical utilisation of its ideas.

The discipline’s science and technology aspects are taught in Secondary Schools, while Universities and Polytechnics emphasise the technology aspect.

There are many career opportunities available for computer scientists. A computer science degree may enable you to become a Software Engineer, Computer Programmer or Database Administrator.

The key for anyone interested in pursuing a computer career is determining which area suits him or her best and then following an education and employment path to success.
