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  1. Computer Career Opportunities | Week 1
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Computer Viruses I | Week 2
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Computer Viruses II | Week 3
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Introduction To The Internet | Week 4
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Internet Terminologies | Week 5
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. The Concept of Digital Divide | Week 6
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Database Concept, Definition And Terminologies | Week 7
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Database II | Week 8
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Database III | Week 9
    13 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Functions of Some Computer Professionals

Computer Managers:

A computer manager has the overall responsibility of the computer department. He ensures the computer installation runs efficiently, in satisfying the computer needs of an organization, which it serves. The computer manager is the communicator of the computer department.

He or she is a computer professional, who often has to make presentations to superior officers in the corporation. A computer manager ensures that every piece of equipment in the computer room is in good working condition, and should be upgraded when the need arises.

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System Analyst:

A System Analyst carries out feasibility studies on a system. He or she works with other individuals within an organization to evaluate their information needs, designs computer software and hardware to meet those needs, and then implements the information systems.

A System Analyst plays an important role in the systems development process. He or she performs the following tasks in the computer department;

  • A System Analyst interacts with the customers to know their needs and requirements.
  • He or she interacts with the designers of the program to convey the form of the software.
  • He or she interacts with and guides the developers to keep track of system development.
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Computer Programmer:

Programmers work closely with a system analyst, to either create new software or review existing programs. A programmer uses programming languages like Basic, C++, Java, etc in highly structured systems.

Programmers are of three categories: Application Programmers, System Programmers, and Maintenance Programmers. Several programmers work together as a team.

Simple programs can be written in a few hours, but some complex programs may require more than a year, to work on, and test run.

computer programmer
Computer Programmer.

Computer Educator:

One of the most important steps, in creating a new information system, is to prepare and train users. A computer trainer provides classes for users, by giving them the opportunity to explore a new system. They train people to use computer hardware and software.

computer educator
Computer Educator.

Computer Engineer:

This is the professional that carries out repairs and maintenance jobs on the computer. A computer engineer is an engineering professional, who not only possesses the training of an electrical engineer but also has certificates, related to the field of computer science.

A computer engineer must have the skill and knowledge of software design and implementation. He or she must have an understanding of electronic devices such as microprocessors and chips, and local and wide area networks.

computer engineer

Computer Technician:

While computer hardware configuration varies widely, a repair technician will work with five general categories of hardware, such as desktop computers, laptops, servers, computer clusters, and smartphone computing.

Technicians occasionally repair a range of peripherals such as input devices, output devices, and data storage devices. The technicians, who are involved in system administration, might also work with networking hardware such as routers, switches, fibre optics, and wireless networks.

A computer technician, could take actions as minor as adjusting one or several settings on the computer, and also, apply more involved techniques like installing, uninstalling, or reinstalling various software packages.

computer technician
Computer Technician.

Computer Scientists:

Computer scientists work on the software aspect of computer systems, as opposed to the hardware aspect that computer engineers mainly focus on.

Computer scientists focus their work and research on specific areas, such as data structure development and design, software engineering and information theory, database language theory, and computer graphics.

Their foundation is the theoretical study of computing. They are required to possess a BSc, or MSc in Computer Science or a closely related discipline such as mathematics.

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Computer Scientist: Charles Babbage.

Computer Operators:

They enter data into the computer, before giving instructions to the computer to process the data. They print out or send out data or information to various departments. They are mostly seen in a minicomputer, microcomputer, or mainframe computer environment. Sometimes the data entry staff are also called computer operators.

Some of the activities of computer operators include: starting the computer, changing ink or ribbons in the printer, loading the printer with paper, and cleaning disk drives and other peripherals.

The academic requirement, for positions as computer operators, is not as demanding as that of computer programmers. An SSCE or NECO certificate is required and augmented by an additional certificate, in computer appreciation.

Some have training ranging from local training, in schools, to certificate courses, and diplomas from polytechnics. Often, companies will provide on-the-job training to promising personnel.

Database Administrator:

Database administrators are responsible for structuring, coordinating, creating, updating, and maintaining databases. This is a person responsible for the installation, configuration, upgrade, administration, monitoring, and maintenance of databases in an organization.

Web Designer:

This is a programmer who specializes in the development of World Wide Web applications or distributed network applications that are run over HTTP from a web server to a web browser. A webmaster’s duties are focused on designing creating, monitoring, and evaluating corporate websites. Webmasters combine technical Internet skills with design and layout expertise.

Technical Writer:

Technical writers explain in writing how a computer program works. A technical writer works closely with a system analyst, and users to document an information system, and to create clearly written user manuals.

Network Manager:

This is a person responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software, that comprises a computer network. This normally includes deploying, configuring, maintaining, and monitoring active data networks or converged infrastructure environments and related network equipment.

Network managers ensure that existing information and communication systems are implemented. A network manager is also responsible, for ensuring that computer security and individual privacy are protected.
