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  1. Binary Number System I | Week 1
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Binary Number System II | Week 2
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Word Problems I | Week 3
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Word Problems with Fractions II | Week 4
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  5. Factorization I | Week 5
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Factorization II | Week 6
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Factorization III | Week 7
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Substitution & Change of Subject of Formulae | Week 8
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Simple Equations Involving Fractions | Week 9
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  10. Word Problems | Week 10
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz

Lesson 10, Topic 1
In Progress

Word Problems Leading to Simple Linear Equations

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Topic Content:

  • Word Problems Leading to Simple Linear Equations

Worked Example 9.2.1:

Solve the following:

i. If three-quarters of a certain number is 10 more than one-third of the number what is the number.

ii. A man spends one-third of his monthly salary earning on projects and one-quarter of the remainder on household needs. If he has N15000 left how much does he receive in a month?

iii. Think of a number, treble it, then divide by 4, the result is 12 more than the original number, find the number.

iv. When 12  is subtracted from a number, and the answer is divided into 10,  the result obtained is one-quarter of the original number. Find the number.

v. A mother is four times as old as her daughter. If their age difference is three decades, find the ages of the mother and her daughter.

i. If three-quarters of a certain number is 10 more than one-third of the number what is the number?


Let the number be x

⇒ \( \frac{3}{4}\scriptsize x = 10 \: +\: \normalsize \frac{1}{3}\scriptsize x \)

Take L.C.M

⇒ \( \frac{3x}{4} \: + \: \frac{1x}{3} \)

Cross multiply

⇒ \( \scriptsize 3x \: \times \: 3 = 4(30 \: + \: x) \)

⇒ \( \scriptsize 9x = 120 \: + \: 4x \)

Take like terms

⇒ \( \scriptsize 9x \: – \:4x = 120 \)

⇒ \( \scriptsize 5x = 120 \)

Divide both sides by 5

⇒ \( \frac{ 5x}{5} = \frac{120}{5} \)

⇒ \( \frac{ \not{5}x}{\not{5}} = \frac{120}{5} \)

\( \scriptsize x = 24 \)

ii.   A man spends one-third of his monthly salary earning on projects and one-quarter of the remainder on household needs. If he has N15000 left how much does he receive in a month?


Let the income be x


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