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Agro-Allied Industries and Relationship between Agriculture and Industry | Week 12 Topics|1 Quiz
Environmental Factors Affecting Agricultural Production | Week 25 Topics|1 Quiz
Rock Formation | Week 36 Topics|1 Quiz
Soil Formation and Profile Development | Week 43 Topics|1 Quiz
Types, Composition and Properties of Soil | Week 510 Topics|1 Quiz
Simple Farm Tools: Uses and Maintenance | Week 62 Topics|1 Quiz
Farm Machines and Implements | Week 76 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 1,
Topic 2
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Relationship between Agriculture and Industries
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Topic Content:
- Relationship between Agriculture and Industries
1. Provision of Raw Materials: Agriculture provides raw materials such as cocoa, palm produce and groundnut for industries.
2. Provision of Food: Agriculture provides food for industrial workers.
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I think both are equally as important, without one the other is stagnated.