Associations and Enterprises | Week 13 Topics
Co-operative Societies I | Week 23 Topics
Co-operative Societies II | Week 33 Topics|2 Quizzes
Public Enterprises | Week 45 Topics|1 Quiz
Limited Liability Companies | Week 54 Topics
Formation of Limited Liability Companies | Week 61 Topic
Limited Liability Companies III | Week 73 Topics|3 Quizzes
Trade Associations and Other Enterprises | Week 81 Topic
Chamber of Commerce | Week 91 Topic
Other Forms of Trade Association | Week 101 Topic|1 Quiz
Advantages & Disadvantages of Public Enterprises
Advantages of Public Enterprises:
1. Government has enough capital to invest in the establishment expansion and growth of the enterprises.
2. It is a legal entity, that is it can sue and can be sued.
3. It has a perpetual life existence.
4. It is accountable to the general public.
5. It helps in generating revenues for the government.
6. It provides infrastructural facilities for the citizens.
Disadvantages of Public Enterprises:
1. The operation of these corporations is faced with great inefficiency.
2. It takes time to make and carry out decisions.
3. It requires an enormous amount of capital to run these enterprises.
4. Laxity on the part of the staff of the enterprises also affects their overall efficiency.
5. Poor conditions or services in the enterprises usually affect the dedication of workers.
6. Frequent replacement of the board members and the policies of the enterprise has a negative impact on the organizations.
7. Most government officials use it as an avenue to mismanage and misappropriate the nation’s resources.