Topic Content:
- Definition of Descriptive Essay
- Features of a Descriptive Essay
What is a Descriptive Essay?
A descriptive essay is the type of essay in which you describe a place or scene, a person or thing, a process, or an event.
The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe for your reader a place or an object you have personally seen so that your reader, who has not visited the place or seen the object, would be enabled by your description, to see in his mind’s eye the definite qualities of the place or the characteristics of the object. In other words, you present to your reader a picture in words.
Sample Descriptive Topics:
1. My School
2. A fire incident in my street
3. A funeral ceremony
4. The Principal’s house
Features of a Descriptive Essay:
1. Title:
Begin your essay with a title. The exam question usually provides the title. Do not make the common mistake of writing your title in capital letters. Capitalize only the first letter of the keywords. Articles and propositions are not capitalized unless they begin the title. Remember to underline the title.
i. The Aftermath of Students’ Riot in Abutu.
ii. The Petrol Station in Times of Fuel Scarcity.
2. Introduction:
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