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  1. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 1
    5 Topics
  2. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 2
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 3
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 4
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 5
    4 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  6. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 6
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 7
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 8
    5 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  9. SS1: English Language First Term - Week 9
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz

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Topic Content:

  • Letter Writing – Informal Letters II

We have considered the nature of the informal letter and the various parts, namely:

i.     The Heading
ii.    The Salutation
iii.   The Body
iv.   The Complimentary Close
v.    Ending

       We will now consider an informal letter question and the model answers to the question.

Question: You have received information that your younger brother who is schooling in another part of the country, is playing truant and keeping bad company. Write a letter warning him of the consequences of such behaviour and urging him to turn over a new leaf. (WAEC, June, 1997)

                                                                             Federal Government College,

                                                                             P.M.B. 1050,


                                                                             Niger State.

                                                                             30th June, 1997.

Dear Ade,

       I was in the village last week to spend the mid-term break. Dad showed me a letter written by Mr. Abimbola, your form teacher. I was shocked by the content of the letter.

       According to Mr. Abimbola, you no longer attend classes; the last term you missed all continuous assessment tests. That explains why your result was very poor. You have joined a group of bad boys known as Red Devils. You people smoke marijuana, abuse drugs, drink alcohol, extort things from, and bully other students, and insult your teachers. The Students Disciplinary Committee of your school has threatened to expel you from the school if your conduct does not change for the better.


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