Introduction to Booking Keeping and Accounting | Week 111 Topics|1 Quiz
Introduction to Booking Keeping and Accounting
Qualities/Limitations of Accounting Information
Introduction to the History of Accounting in Nigeria
Professional Bodies in Accounting
Accounting Standard
Accounting Ethics
Benefits of Accounting to the Profession & Society
Regulatory Bodies that Checkmate Unethical Practices
Accounting Equation
Determine Debtors and Creditors
Theory Questions - Introduction to Booking Keeping and Accounting
Introduction to Booking Keeping and Accounting
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Introduction to the History of Accounting in Nigeria
Topic Content:
- Introduction to the History of Accounting in Nigeria
In the olden days, a properly organized system of trade and government was in existence in the ancient Kingdom of Benin, Oyo, Borno etc.
The granting of a Royal Charter to Royal Niger Company, in 1886, necessitated the preparation of proper records by the company, from that time till independence. The Law governing Accounting in Nigeria was tailored after the colonial master (Britain).
The Association of Accountants of Nigeria which later metamorphosed into the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria was established in 1960. The majority of the members were trained in Britain. On 1st September 1965, the Federal Government passed an Act of Parliament No. 15 establishing the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN).
In 1982, the Nigerian Accounting Standards Board (NASB), was established to set standards to guide accounting operations in Nigeria.
Currently, in Nigeria, there are two legally recognized professional accounting bodies:
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)
- Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN)
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