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  1. Types of Government Continues, Federal and Confederal Systems of Government | Week 1
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Forms of Government: Presidential System of Government | Week 2
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Forms of Government: Parliamentary System of Government | Week 3
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Structure and Organization of Government: Legislature | Week 4
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Structure and Organization of Government: Executive | Week 5
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Structure and Organization of Government: Judiciary | Week 6
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Basic Principles of Government: Political Participation and Political Apathy | Week 7
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Basic Principles of Government: Rule of Law and Delegated Legislation | Week 8
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Basic Principles of Government: Centralization and Decentralization | Week 9
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Theory Questions & Answers – Structure and Organization of Government: Legislature

Theory Questions & Answers – Legislature:

1. Enumerate the functions of a modern legislature.

2. (a) What is supremacy of the legislature?  (b) What are the limitations of the legislature?

3. (a) Explain unicameralism

(b) Give three merits and three demerits of the unicameralism

4. (a) What is bicameralism?

(b) Give three merits and three demerits of bicameralism.

5. How a bill is passed into law in presidential system?

6. Discuss the process of passing bills into law in parliamentary system.

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Theory Questions & Answers – Legislature

1. Enumerate the functions of a modern legislature.


  • A modern legislature represents the people.
  • A modern legislature amends the constitution
  • A modern legislature oversees the activities of executives
  • A modern legislature approves appointments.
  • A modern legislature ratifies international treaties.
  • A modern legislature checks the excesses of the president.
  • A modern legislature controls public expenditure.


2 (a) What is supremacy of the legislature? 


This is a principle in parliamentary system that grants the parliament the absolute and exclusive rights to make laws and amend the laws.

(b) What are the limitations of the legislature?


  • There is a constitutional limitation on the legislature.
  • Judicial review can limit the powers of the legislature.
  • International treaties signed can limit the powers of the legislature.
  • Public opinion of the electorates who can recall the representatives can limit the powers of the legislature.
  • Membership in international organizations can also limit the powers of the legislature.


3 (a) Explain unicameralism


This is a situation where there is only one legislative house in a state.

(b) Give three merits and three demerits of the unicameralism


(i) Three (3) Merits of Unicameralism:

  • The law-making processes are faster.
  • The cost of governance is reduced.
  • There is no rivalry between one chamber and another.

(ii) Three (3) Demerits of Unicameralism:

  • No thorough deliberations in unicameralism
  • It does not allow the adequate representation of the state
  • Unicameral legislative is easily pocketed by a strong executive head.


4. (a) What is bicameralism?


This is a situation where a state operates with two legislative chambers.

(b) Give three merits and three demerits of bicameralism.


  • Bi-cameralism allows for adequate representation in a state.
  • It prevents the hasty passage of bills into law.
  • It is very difficult for the executive to overshadow the two chambers.


5. How a bill is passed into law in the presidential system?


  • The clerk of the house is notified of the bill.
  • First reading stage: The formal presentation stage where the bill is introduced to the house.
  • Second reading: At this stage, the bill is read again the Second time and deliberations can begin on the bill.
  • Committee Stage: If the bill scales through the second reading stage and debate, the bill will be sent to the appropriate committee.
  • Report Stage: At this stage, the committee will give reports of their deliberations to the house.
  • Third reading: At this stage, the house will go through the bill again and put the finishing touches.
  • Debate Stage: At this stage, the bill is passed to the other chamber for deliberations through the same process.
  • Assent Stage: This is the final stage where the head of government of the state signs the bill into law.