Types of Government Continues, Federal and Confederal Systems of Government | Week 17 Topics|1 Quiz
Meaning, Legislative Lists in Federal States and Reasons for Adoption of Federal System
Features of Federal System of Government
Merits and Demerits of Federal System of Government
Meaning and Features of Confederal System of Government
Merits and Why Confederation is Unpopular
Differences between Federal and Confederal Systems of Government
Theory Questions - Federal and Confederal Systems of Government
Meaning, Legislative Lists in Federal States and Reasons for Adoption of Federal System
Forms of Government: Presidential System of Government | Week 24 Topics|1 Quiz
Forms of Government: Parliamentary System of Government | Week 37 Topics|1 Quiz
Parliamentarianism or Parliamentary System of Government and its Features
Powers of the Head of State and Powers of the Head of Government
Collective Responsibility
Merits and Demerits of Parliamentary System of Government
Functions of the Opposition Party in a Parliamentary System
Differences between Parliamentary and Presidential Systems
Theory Questions – Parliamentary System of Government
Parliamentarianism or Parliamentary System of Government and its Features
Structure and Organization of Government: Legislature | Week 46 Topics|1 Quiz
Meaning, Types and Functions of the Legislature
Supremacy of the Parliament/Legislative and Limitations
Merits and Demerits of Unicameral and Bicameral Legislature
Types of Bills
Passage of Bills in the Presidential and Parliamentary Systems of Government
Theory Questions - Structure and Organization of Government: Legislature
Meaning, Types and Functions of the Legislature
Structure and Organization of Government: Executive | Week 55 Topics|1 Quiz
Structure and Organization of Government: Judiciary | Week 65 Topics|1 Quiz
Basic Principles of Government: Political Participation and Political Apathy | Week 75 Topics|1 Quiz
Meaning and Forms of Political Participation
Reasons for Political Participation and the Role of Pressure Groups in Promoting Political Participation
Meaning and Forms of Political Apathy
Reasons for Political Apathy and Dangers of Political Apathy
Theory Questions - Political Participation and Political Party
Meaning and Forms of Political Participation
Basic Principles of Government: Rule of Law and Delegated Legislation | Week 88 Topics|1 Quiz
Meaning and Principles of Rule of Law
Importance and Merits of Rule of Law
Limitations to Application of Rule of Law
Factors that can Sustain/Promote Application Rule of Law
Meaning and Types of Delegated Legislation
Merits and Demerits of Delegated Legislation
Control of Delegated Legislation
Theory Questions - Rule of Law and Delegated Legislation
Meaning and Principles of Rule of Law
Basic Principles of Government: Centralization and Decentralization | Week 94 Topics|1 Quiz
Features of Federal System of Government
Topic Content:
- Features of Federal System of Government
Among the features of federal system of government are:
(i) Constitutional division of power between the central government and other units of government into exclusive, concurrent, and residual lists.
(ii) All power emanates from the ConstitutionA constitution is a set of fundamental rules that determine how a country or state is run. More. The three tiers of government derive their power from the Constitution. The Constitution is supreme.
(iii) There is duplication of organs of governmentThe 3 branches of government are executive, judicial, and legislative. Executive The executive is the organ that implements the laws enacted by the legislature and enforces the will of the state.... More, civil service and judiciaryThe judicial branch of government refers to a country’s court system. Judiciaries are responsible for interpreting and applying a country’s laws in particular cases, and can also be invested with the... More.
(iv) Federal constitution is written and rigid.
(v) There is bicameralBicameralism or Bicameral Legislature is a legislative system where two legislative chambers exist to carry out legislative functions in a state, the lower chamber and the upper chamber. Countries that operate... More legislatureThe legislative branch of government is responsible for making laws within a country. Legislatures are made up of people called legislators who, in democracies, are elected by the country’s population More.
(vi) There is the existence of a supreme court to give a judicial interpretation.
(vii) Federations are made up of unequal states, e.g., 36 unequal states and Federal Capital Territory in Nigeria.
(viii) There is the prevalence of federal laws over that of the state in cases of conflict (cases in concurrent lists).
(ix) Secessionthe action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state. More is forbidden for any component unit.
(x) The constitution provides formulas for revenue allocationIn Nigeria, revenue allocation refers to the practice where the federal government shares a part of the revenue it generates with state and local governments. The present vertical Revenue Allocation Formula... More and sharing.
(xi) The central government controls the police.
(xii) Three tiers/levels of government exist; Federal, State and Local government.
(xiii) There is a separation of powersThis refers to the division of a democratic government into different arms of government, i.e the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary, each to perform their administrative duties and responsibilities without undue infringement... More and functions among the three organs of government, the executiveThe executive, also referred to as the executive branch or executive power, is the term commonly used to describe that part of government which enforces the law and has overall responsibility... More, legislature and judiciary.