Lesson 1, Topic 3
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Experiment to Determine Apparent Cubic Expansivity of Liquid

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  • Experiment to Determine Apparent Cubic Expansivity of Liquid

Experiment to Determine Apparent Cubic Expansivity of Liquid:

Experiment to Determine Apparent Cubic Expansivity of Liquid
  • Weigh a clean dry density bottle and record mass, M1.

  • Fill the bottle with liquid whose apparent cubic expansivity is required, replace the stopper, and dry

  • Weigh the bottle and liquid, M2

  • Suspend the density bottle in a water bath and record the initial temperature of the water bath,  \( \scriptsize \theta_1\)

  • Heat the water until it reaches boiling point, some liquid will be expelled through the orifice (opening) of the bottle stopper.

  • Continue heating the water bath until no liquid is expelled from the space around the stopper.

  • Note and record the final temperature of the water bath, \( \scriptsize \theta_2\)  

  • Remove the bottle from the bath and reweigh, M3

The Apparent cubic expansivity is calculated as follows:

Mass of empty bottle = M1
Mass of bottle and liquid = M2
Final mass of bottle and liquid = M3
Initial temperature of water =  \( \scriptsize \theta_1\)
Final temperature of water =  \( \scriptsize \theta_2\)
Mass of liquid expelled = M2 – M3
Mass of remaining liquid = M3 – M1
Apparent expansivity = \(\scriptsize γ_α\)

\( \scriptsize γ_a = \normalsize \frac {volume\: of\: liquid\: expelled}{volume\: of\: liquid\: remaining \: \times \:temperature\: rise}\)

Since mass is proportional to volume,

Apparent cubic expansivity,

\( \scriptsize γ_a = \normalsize \frac {mass\: of\: liquid\: expelled}{mass\: of\: liquid\: remaining \: \times \:temperature\: rise}\)

\( γ_a = \frac {M_2 \:- \:M_3}{(M_3\: – \:M_1) \: \times \: (\theta_2\: – \:\theta_1) }\) 

Example 1.3.1:

A density bottle contains 44.25 g of a liquid at 0°C and 42.02 g at 50°C. Calculate the real cubic expansivity of the liquid. (Linear expansivity of glass = 1.0 × 10-5K-1)



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