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Topic Content:

  • Meaning of Conduction
  • Experiment to show that Water is a Poor Conductor of Heat
  • Experiment to Compare Thermal Conductivity of Different Materials (Ingen Hauz’s Experiment)
  • Using Kinetic Molecular Theory to Explain Conduction in Solids
  • Application of Conductors & Insulators

It is a common experience that when hot water is poured into a stainless cup, the cup becomes hot after a few minutes as a result of heat transfer from the hot water to the stainless cup; this process of heat transfer is called conduction.

Conduction is a process of heat transfer through a material, with the average position of the particle material remaining the same.

It depends on the difference in temperature of the hot and cold body for conduction to take place. The materials involved must allow heat energy to pass through them and such materials are called conductors.

A conductor is a substance that allows heat energy to flow through it e.g. most metals are good conductors of heat.

An insulator is a substance that does not allow heat energy to flow through it e.g. wood, plastic, rubber, and wool.

Experiment to show that Water is a Poor Conductor of Heat:

Set up:

Experiment to show that Water is a Poor Conductor of Heat


To demonstrate that water is a poor conductor


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