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  1. Basic Tools for Economic Analysis I | Week 1
    5 Topics
  2. Basic Tools for Economic Analysis II | Week 2
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Theory of Demand | Week 3
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Theory of Supply | Week 4
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Theory of Production Possibility Curve I | Week 5
    1 Topic
  6. Theory of Production Possibility Curve II | Week 6
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Theory of Cost I | Week 7
    2 Topics
  8. Theory of Cost II | Week 8
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Revenue Concept | Week 9
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz

Lesson 8, Topic 3
In Progress

The Distinction between Economist’s and Accountant’s View of Cost

Lesson Progress
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Topic Content:

  • The Distinction between Economist’s and Accountant’s View of Cost

To the accountant, cost is the total amount of money spent to obtain something. If ₦50 is spent to obtain a commodity, for an accountant, the cost of the commodity is ₦50.00. This is what is known as the money cost or the explicit cost which includes expenses on wages, raw materials, and other out payments made by a producer and recorded in the accountant book. This concept of cost is usually presented in money terms


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Complete the cost schedules

Unit of output TFC TVC TC AC MC
1 100 50 K 150
2 A 100 200 100 G
3 B 140 240 80 40
4 C 170 270 D H
5 100 210 310 E I
6 100 270 L F J



A = 200 – 100 = 100

B = 240 – 140 = 100

C = 270 – ₦170 = 100

AC = \( \frac{TC}{Q} \)

D = \( \frac{270}{4} \)

= 67.50k

E = \( \frac{310}{5} \)

= 62

F = \( \frac{370}{6} \)

= ₦61.67


L = 270 + 100 = 370

K = 100 + 50 = 150

MC = \( \frac{\Delta TC}{\Delta Q}  \)

or \( \frac{TC_2 \: – \: TC_1}{Q_2 \: – \: Q_1}  \)


G = \( \frac{200 \: – \: 150}{2 \: – \: 1} \\ = \frac{50}{1} \\ = \scriptsize  N50 \)


H = \( \frac{270 \: – \: 240}{4 \: – \: 3} \\ = \frac{30}{1} \\ = \scriptsize  N30 \)


I = \( \frac{310 \: – \: 270}{5 \: – \: 4} \\ = \frac{40}{1} \\ = \scriptsize  N40 \)


J = \( \frac{370 \: – \: 310}{6 \: – \: 5} \\ = \frac{60}{1} \\ = \scriptsize  N60 \)


Unit of output TFC TVC TC AC MC
1 100 50 K 150
2 100 100 200 100 50
3 100 140 240 80 40
4 100 170 270 67.5 30
5 100 210 310 62 40
6 100 270 370 61.7 60
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