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Economic System | Week 15 Topics|1 Quiz
Labour Market I | Week 24 Topics|1 Quiz
Labour Market II | Week 34 Topics|1 Quiz
Elementary Treatment of Utility | Week 44 Topics|1 Quiz
Price Determination I | Week 55 Topics|1 Quiz
Price Determination II | Week 63 Topics|1 Quiz
Price Determination III | Week 6 contd5 Topics|1 Quiz
Market Structure I | Week 73 Topics|1 Quiz
Market Structure II | Week 86 Topics|1 Quiz
Industries in Nigeria | Week 94 Topics|1 Quiz
Industries in Nigeria | Week 9 contd7 Topics|1 Quiz
Agricultural Policies | Week 103 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2 of 12
In Progress
Labour Market I | Week 2
Performance Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
- Identify the factors that influence demand for labour
- Explain the meaning of supply of labour and its factors
- Explain the term wage determination
- Discuss the role of government in the determination of wages
Lesson Content
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0/4 Steps