SS2: English Language First Term – Week 14 Topics|2 Quizzes
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SS2: English Language First Term – Week 84 Topics|1 Quiz
SS2: English Language First Term – Week 99 Topics|3 Quizzes
Speech Work: Silent Letters II
Comprehension: Malnutrition
Comprehension: A Carefree Lorry Driver
Comprehension: Fizzo Soft Drinks Company
Comprehension: Deforestation of the Tropical Forests
Comprehension: "War" Against Cultism
Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Building and Building Construction – II
Summary: Nominalization – II
Continuous Writing: Formal Letter – II
Speech Work: Silent Letters II
Comprehension: The Trial of a Hardened Criminal
Topic Content:
- Topic: The Trial of a Hardened Criminal.
- Text: New Oxford Secondary English Course for SSS2 pages 27 – 28.
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The Trial of a Hardened Criminal:
The courtroom was jam-packed with people from all walks of life to watch the proceedings of the day. It was one trial that had generated much interest in the city. For the notorious dare-devil armed robber that had been striking terror into the hearts of all and sundry had eventually been apprehended by the crack police team operating in the area.
The proceedings of the day commenced as soon as the judge arrived. Here was the tall, lanky, handsome Sule – a log of wood – in the dock before the slim-built, soft-spoken but firm judge. He was unruffled in spite of the jeers and catcalls from the crowd. In the last trial that had earned him a short stretch in jail, Sule had told the judge that crime was his livelihood. “SocietyThe term society is derived from the Latin word 'socius' meaning friendship or companionship. Society is a community, nation or group of people who share the same traditions, institutions, rules and... More must be protected from characters like you”, he could still hear the stern judge intoning in the hushed courtroom. “You and your type constitute a threat to life and property and this court will always see to it that you get your just deserts according to the law.”
“I am innocent of all the charges, Your Lordship,” the hardened criminal retorted.
The judge then fixed him with a stern gaze, which Sule coolly returned; he had stared into too many so-called stern judges’ eyes to be easily intimidated. Besides, he feared nothing and no one except Allah. The judge thrust his legal chin forward and asked, “Do you ever pause to consider that the road of crime leads only to frustration, punishment and suffering? You look fit enough for anything. Why don’t you try your hand at earning an honest living for a change?” Sule had shrugged his broad shoulders, “I earn my living the only way I know,” he said. “The only way I’ve chosen.” The judge had sat back, dismayed. He eventually asked the “innocent” man to be put behind bars for ten years.
(Adapted from NOSEC Book Five, page 115)
Questions and Answers:
1. Why had the case generated so much interest?
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The trial of a hardened criminal
It’s interesting lol but the writers ton is sooooooo flat
A hardened criminal
Interesting passage
That had been stinking terror into the heart of all and sundry
What is the grammatical name