Local Government Administration | Week 14 Topics
Structure of Local Government | Week 27 Topics|1 Quiz
Structure of Local Government in Nigeria
Evolution of Local Government in Nigeria
Sources of Funds of Local Governments
How to Improve Revenue Base of Local Government
Relationship between Local, State and Central Governments
Control of Local Government
Theory Questions - Structure of Local Government
Structure of Local Government in Nigeria
Local Government Reforms | Week 35 Topics|1 Quiz
Pre-Colonial Political Administration In Nigeria | Week 4, 5 & 66 Topics|3 Quizzes
The System of Government in Pre-Colonial Administration In Hausa/Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba Land
Structure of Pre-Colonial Governments
Features of Pre-Colonial Political Administration in Nigeria, Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo
Roles of Political Institutions in the Traditional Societies
Comparison of Different Pre-Colonial Administrations in Nigeria (Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo)
Theory Questions - Pre-Colonial Political Administration In Nigeria
The System of Government in Pre-Colonial Administration In Hausa/Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba Land
Colonialism | Week 75 Topics
British Colonial Administration in Nigeria I | Week 84 Topics|1 Quiz
British Colonial Administration in Nigeria II | Week 95 Topics|1 Quiz
Indirect Rule Policy: Meaning and Features
Reasons for Adoption of Indirect Rule
Advantages, Disadvantages of Indirect Rule and Why Educated Elites Opposed Indirect Rule System
Why Indirect Rule Succeeded in Northern Nigeria, Partial Succeeded in Western Nigeria and Failed in Eastern Nigeria
Theory Questions - British Colonial Administration in Nigeria II
Indirect Rule Policy: Meaning and Features
French Colonial Administration | Week 108 Topics|1 Quiz
French Territories in West Africa
Policy of Assimilation
The Administrative Structure in French West Africa
Policy of Association
Why Nationalist Activities Were Slow In French West Africa
Importance of the Brazzaville Conference of 1944 to Constitutional Development of French West Africa
Comparison between French and British Colonial Administrative Policies
Theory Questions - French Colonial Administration
French Territories in West Africa
Leadership and Followership | Week 118 Topics
Leadership and a Leader
Qualities of a Good Leader
Importance of Good Leadership
Meaning of Followership, Follower, and Types of Followership
Qualities of a Good Follower
Importance of Good Followership and Leadership
Consequences of Bad Leadership and Followership
Theory Questions - Leadership and Followership
Leadership and a Leader
Qualities of a Good Leader
Topic Content:
- Qualities of a Good Leader
1. Good Communication Skills: A leader must be articulate and have the ability to express his intentions in clear, unambiguous language to his followers.
2. High Sense of Responsibility: Leaders should be accountable, selfless, dutiful and people-oriented.
3. Visionary and Focused: Leaders must have foresight. They must have new ideas, and new plans, proactive and creative.
4. High Integrity: A good leader has a character that is trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. He cannot compromise illegality.
5. Knowledge: A good leader knows his duties and responsibilities. He is versatile and intelligent. He/she must be able to apply knowledge appropriately to resolve challenges they encounter.
6. Delegation of Power: A good leader delegates power but must have effective control of such delegated power. A leader must monitor and supervise such delegated powers.
7. Respect Rule of Law: A good leader shall respect the law, ensure equality and protect the fundamental human rights of the citizens.
8. Must Have Will Power To Succeed: A leader must have the willpower to do the right thing. He must be courageous and firm.
9. Tactful and Diplomatic: A good leader must exercise tactics, courtesy and good strategies in handling issues.
10. Adaptive To Changes: A good leader must be ready to adapt to changing social and economic environments. This will reduce hardship among the people and restore people’s support for the leader.