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  1. Local Government Administration | Week 1
    4 Topics
  2. Structure of Local Government | Week 2
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Local Government Reforms | Week 3
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Pre-Colonial Political Administration In Nigeria | Week 4, 5 & 6
    6 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  5. Colonialism | Week 7
    5 Topics
  6. British Colonial Administration in Nigeria I | Week 8
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. British Colonial Administration in Nigeria II | Week 9
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. French Colonial Administration | Week 10
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Leadership and Followership | Week 11
    8 Topics

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  • Theory Questions and Answers – Local Government Administration

Theory Questions and Answers – Local Government Administration:

1. a. What is Local Government?

(b) What are the reasons for the creation of Local Governments?

2. What are the functions of Local Government?

3. Discuss the three main types of Local Government Systems.


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Theory Questions- Local Government Administration

1a. What is Local Government?


Local Government is a semi-autonomous body created by law to provide for the needs of the people at the grassroots level. It is the third tier or level of government created by an act of parliament to take care of peculiar services for the people.


(b) What are the reasons for the creation of Local Governments?


  • To bring the government nearer to the people. Grassroots government will bring the benefits and government activities nearer to the people in local areas.
  • The creation of Local Government Areas helps to ensure the reduction of over-concentration of political power in one authority.
  • To serve as a link between the government and the people at the grassroots.
  • To provide opportunities for local participation in politics and in community development in all parts of the country.
  • To promote even development in all parts of the country.
  • To cater to the diverse interests of people in different localities.
  • To act as an agent of central and state government in the implementation of policies. e.g. maintenance of law and order.


2. What are the functions of Local Government?


  • Local Governments help to educate people at the grassroots about the policies and actions of Federal and State governments.
  • They bring the government nearer to the people at the grassroots.
  • They serve as links between the people at the grassroots and the other levels of government.
  • It helps to provide social amenities to the people at the grassroots.
  • they help to allay feelings of insecurity and fears of domination especially if created along ethnic lines.
  • They help to preserve the traditional institutions of the people in the local areas.
  • They mobilize both human and material resources for community development.
  • They provide opportunities for leadership training of the people at the grassroots.
  • They allow indigenes of different local areas to govern themselves according to their traditions and culture.
  • They help in the maintenance of law and order in their areas. 


3. Discuss the three main types of Local Government Systems


1. The French System: French local government type, “the Commune” is not autonomous. It is highly centralized and dependent on the central government. Its activities are supervised by the Ministry of Interior, represented by a prefect. The Local Government is headed by an elected Mayor. The Mayor takes orders from the prefect, who is an experienced  Federal Civil Servant. Apart from the prefect, other members of the council are elected and serve for a six-year term.

2. The British System: British system operates a multi-tier system of local government. There are many kinds of local authorities: Parish Council, Rural District Council, Country Borough Council, County Council, and County Borough Council. These councils enjoy a high degree of autonomy. They identify local problems and take action and decisions on how to solve them in specific areas assigned to each one. Each council is headed by an elected Chairman. It has elected councillors and civil servants.

3. The Nigerian System: It operated a traditional system, where the native authorities used to carry out the services of local government. In the 1950s with the increase of Nigerians in the political administration, the North still made use of native authorities while the Eastern and Western regions adopted a new system similar to the British system. In 1976, the introduction of local government reform, a new system of local government administration, resulted in a single-tier system of local government coming into existence.

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