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  1. Sequence | Week 1
    2 Topics
  2. Series | Week 2
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Geometric Progression | Week 3
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Linear Equations & Formulae | Week 4
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Quadratic Equations II | Week 5
    2 Topics
  6. Quadratic Equations III | Week 6
    1 Topic
  7. Quadratic Equations IV | Week 7
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. Simultaneous Equations I | Week 8
    2 Topics
  9. Simultaneous Equations II | Week 9
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  10. Algebraic Fractions | Week 10
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz

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Topic Content:

  • Balancing an Equation

What is an Equation?

An Equation is a statement showing that two algebraic expressions are equal in value.

2x + 3 = 6 – 9x is an example of an equation with an unknown x.

The equals sign means the expression on the left-hand side (LHS) is equal to the expression on the right-hand side (RHS).

2x + 3 = 6 – 9x is a linear equation as the highest power of x is 1.

Balancing an Equation:

Note that an equation will remain balanced provided what is done to one side is also done to the other side.


  • Add the same amount to both sides.
  • Subtract the same amount from both sides.
  • Multiply both sides by the same amount.
  • Divide both sides by the same amount.
  • When a quantity is taken across the equals sign, its sign changes to that of its inverse e.g. -2 to +2.

Example 4.1.1:

Solve the following equations

(i) 5y + 2 = 3y + 9
(ii) 9 – 4x = 2x – 3
(iv) 3 – x = 9 – 3x
(v) 12y – 7 + 2y = 2y – 3


(i) 5y + 2 = 3y + 9

Subtract 3y from both sides

i.e. 5y – 3y + 2 = 3y – 3y + 9

2y + 2 = 9

Subtract 2 from both sides

i.e. 2y + 2 – 2 = 9 – 2

2y = 7

Divide both sides by 2

\( \frac {2y}{2} = \frac {7}{2} \\ \frac {\not{2}y}{\not{2}} = \frac {7}{2}\\ \scriptsize y = 3 \normalsize \frac{1}{2} \)


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