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Crop Improvement | Week 19 Topics|1 Quiz
Crop Improvement (Definition, Branches, Objectives)
Definition of Some Genetic Terms
Mendel's Experiments
Mendel's First Law (Law of Segregation of Genes | Monohybrid Cross)
Mendel's Second Law (Law of Independent Assortment | Dihybrid Cross)
Processes Involved in Crop Improvement
Methods of Crop Improvement
Advantages & Disadvantages of Crop Improvement
Theory Questions - Crop Improvement
Crop Improvement (Definition, Branches, Objectives)
Animal Improvement | Week 26 Topics|1 Quiz
Animal Health Management I - Introduction | Week 37 Topics|1 Quiz
Animal Health Management II | Week 45 Topics|1 Quiz
Animal Health Management III | Week 57 Topics|1 Quiz
Aquaculture | Week 611 Topics|1 Quiz
Aquaculture (Meaning, Types)
Fish Farming (Meaning, Classification, Importance)
Terms Associated with Fish Farming
Fish Pond (Definition, Types)
Conditions Necessary for Siting a Fish Pond
Features of a Standard Fish Pond
Establishment and Maintenance of Fish Pond
Fishing Tools and Equipment
Processing and Preservation of Fish
Basic Laws and Regulations of Fishing
Theory Questions - Aquaculture
Aquaculture (Meaning, Types)
Apiculture or Bee-keeping | Week 710 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4 of 7
In Progress
Animal Health Management II | Week 4
Infectious diseases are the greatest threat to livestock health. Farm animal diseases can be caused by pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.
Diseases contracted and spread by farm animals can impact agriculture and public health. In this lesson we will be learning about relevant livestock diseases.
Performance Objectives:
Students should be able to:
- Name some important diseases of livestock and their causal organisms.
- Describe their
- symptoms;
- mode of transmission;
- effects/economic importance;
- preventive and control measures.
Lesson Content
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