Crop Improvement | Week 19 Topics|1 Quiz
Crop Improvement (Definition, Branches, Objectives)
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Mendel's First Law (Law of Segregation of Genes | Monohybrid Cross)
Mendel's Second Law (Law of Independent Assortment | Dihybrid Cross)
Processes Involved in Crop Improvement
Methods of Crop Improvement
Advantages & Disadvantages of Crop Improvement
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Crop Improvement (Definition, Branches, Objectives)
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Fish Pond (Definition, Types)
Conditions Necessary for Siting a Fish Pond
Features of a Standard Fish Pond
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Features of a Standard Fish Pond
Topic Content:
- Features of a Standard Fish Pond
- Dyke, Core trench, Monk, Spillway, etc.
A standard fish pond has the following features or characteristics:
1. Dyke:
Dykes form the boundary of the entire pond system. They keep the necessary volume of water impounded and form the actual pond; It ensures the availability of water in the pond.
2. Core Trench:
This is the excavatedExcavation involves the removal of soil or rock from a site to form an open face, hole or cavity, using tools, machinery or explosives. More portion of the fish pond. It consolidates the walls with stones and cement. A trench must be constructed to prevent water from seeping under the dam.
3. Distribution Channel:
This is the area which helps introduce water into the pond. Water is distributed to all the sections of the pond until it gets to a particular volume. Fertilizers can equally be mixed up with the water and distributed to all the pond sections until they reach a particular volume.
4. Spillway:
A spillway is a path for excess water to exit the pond. It is a passage for water to flow over or around a dyke. It is positioned at one end of the dyke. It uses a wood or wire-mesh screen.
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