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  1. JSS3: English 1st Term (Revision) | Week 1
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  2. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 2
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  3. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 3
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  4. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 4
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  5. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 5
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  6. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 6
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  7. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 7
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  8. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 8
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  9. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 9
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  10. JSS3: English 1st Term | Week 10
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Quiz 15 of 24

JSS3: English Language – Vocabulary of Fishing | Week 8

Test your knowledge on “Vocabulary of Fishing”.

Instructions: Study the words provided in the box below and find their meanings. Fill in the blank space in the quiz using words from the box.. Study

Answer All Fill-in-the-blank Questions.

Time Allowed: 10 minutes.

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Screenshot 2023 08 27 at 16.18.14

The words in the box are all associated with fishing. Check for the meaning of the words and use them to answer the question.