Introductory to coding
Introductory to coding
Hi everyone our first activity would be on computer programming and coding it will be very fun and I am sure we all have laptops we are going to be using the programming language PHYTON .So you can download it to enable you to code.If you have not heard of this before you can watch tutorials on you tube.
If you are learning about this for the first time you can join khan academy where you will be taught on the basics of coding.
They are other programming languages but for know we are going to start with phyton.
We should all join khan academy cos coding is taught there for beginners.
I will need us all to be active in this group so it can be enjoyable to us all.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you want on this group we are all learners and can learn from each other.HAVE A NICE AND SPLENDID DAY
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