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2021 CRK WAEC Theory Past Questions


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2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 1

(b) The contribution of Cyrus to the return of the Jews from Exile (Ezra 1:1-11)

  • In 539BC, Cyrus the King of Persia defeated Babylon and took control of the Babylonia empire.
  • In the first year of Cyrus reign, God inspired him to pass a decree to return the Jews to Jerusalem.
  • This was to fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah.
  • In a decree, Cyrus acknowledge the fact that God had made him ruler of the whole world and that he should see to the rebuilding of the temple.
  • Cyrus then declared that the God of Israel is the God who is in Jerusalem.
  • In view of that, Cyrus asked the exiles to go and rebuild the temple on his behalf.
  • Cyrus asked that the returnees should be given Silver, Gold, material goods as well as freewill offerings.
  • These items were to be used for the rebuilding of the temple on his behalf.
  • King Cyrus also gave back the vessel of silver and gold which were taken from the temple by Nebuchadnezzar to the exiles.
  • The King’s treasurer counted the vessels of gold and silver and gave them to Sheshbazzar. Sheshbazzar was the son of Jehoiachin who was appointed to lead the returnees. He was also supposed to supervise the rebuilding of the temple.

(b) Measures a Nation can take to Prevent God’s Wrath.

  • Avoid sinful acts/living righteous life.
  • Avoid worshipping other gods/idolatry.
  • Being obedient to God.
  • Provision for the needy and marginalized in the society.
  • Ensuring fairness and justice for all.
  • Avoiding shedding of innocent blood.
  • Confessing and repenting from sin.
  • Avoidance of sexual immorality.
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 2

(a) Joseph’s Encounter with Pharaoh

  • Joseph was imprisoned by Potiphar after he was falsely accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife.
  • Pharaoh had a dream that he stood by the River Nile and saw seven fat cows and seven lean cows all coming from the river. The fat cows were swallowed by the thin, lean cows.
  • The second dream, Pharaoh saw seven plump and good ears of corn growing on one stalk. He also saw seven thin ears of corn come upp on another stalk.
  • And the seven thin ears of corn ate up the seven good ones.
  • When pharaoh woke up, he summoned his magicians and wise men to interpret the dreams but they could not.
  • Pharaoh’s chief butler remembered how Joseph had interpreted his dreams in prison two years ago.
  • And upon the recommendation of the butler, Pharaoh sent for Joseph from prison to interpret his dreams.
  • Pharaoh narrated the dreams to him and Joseph said it was only God who gives favourable interpretation of dreams.
  • Joseph then told pharaoh that the two dreams were the same and that the seven fat cows and seven good ears of cow stood for seven years of abundant harvest in Egypt.
  • Joseph further said that the seven lean cows and seven thin ears of corn represent seven years of famine in Egypt.
  • Joseph then advised pharaoh to appoint a wise man to oversee that one fifth of all harvests for the seven years of plenty is stared in reserve for famine.
  • Pharaoh told Joseph that there was no one discrete and wise as him so he would be in charge of the storage of the food.
  • Pharaoh then gave royal approval to Joseph’s appointment by putting his sight on Joseph’s finger as a symbol of authority.
  • He also gave Joseph on royal chariot to ride after decorating him in a linen robe and a gold chain.
  • Joseph was given Egyptian name (Zaphenath – Pharaoh) and an Egyptian wife called Asenath who bore him two sons.

(b) Lessons Leaders Can Learn From Joseph

  • He was a visionary.
  • He was humble.
  • He was patient.
  • He had administrative equalities.
  • He was faithful and God fearing.
  • He had a positive altitude towards misfortune.
  • He had respect for authority.
  • Willingness to help others/service to others and community.
  • Using his talent for the benefit of others.
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 3

(a) The Role Played by Jezebel in the Death of Naboth (1Kings 21:1-29)

  • Naboth the Jezreelite owned a vineyard near the palace of King Ahab.
  • Ahab requested for Naboth’s vineyard to be used as a vegetable garden since it was near to the palace.
  • King Ahab was ready to give Naboth another land or pay for its value. But Naboth refused to give out the land since it was inherited from his father.
  • Ahab went home very sad and angry and went to bed without food. Jezebel, the wife came home and enquired from Ahab why he was in a sad mood and would not eat.
  • Ahab told her it was because of Naboth’s refusal to give him his vineyard. Jezebel asked Ahab if he was not truly the King of Israel and she promised to collect the vineyard for him.
  • Jezebel set Naboth up, accused him of cursing God and King Ahab. They set Naboth on high among the people and they held a fast.
  • After the fast, two men should accuse Naboth of cursing the King and God so that he would be stoned to death.
  • This was done and Naboth was finally stoned to death in his own field. As soon as Jezebel heard of the death of Naboth, she asked Ahab to go and take possession of the field.
  • After Ahab had taken possession of the land, God asked Elijah to meat Ahab on the land. Elijah told Ahab that due to what he had done, dogs would lick up his blood at the same place where dogs licked that of Naboth.
  • Ahab then said to Elijah, “Have you found me, O my enemy”? Elijah also said that dogs shall eat Jezebel in the same manner.

(b) Reasons Why People are Greedy

(a) Desire for material things.
(b) Extravagance
(c) Selfishness
(d) Envy/Jealousy
(e) Covetousness
(f) Peer influence
(g) Unhealthy competition
(h) Desire for popularity/fame
(i) Societal/family pressure.

2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 4

(a) Promises God made to Joshua when he was Appointed to lead the Israelites (Joshua 1:1-18)

  • When Moses was getting old, he prayed to God to appoint a successor to take over from him.
  • God then instructed Moses to take Joshua a man full of the spirit. Moses brought Joshua before the priest Eliazar and the whole of Israel to be commissioned.
  • God promised that at Joshua’s word, Israel shall go out and come in victorious. After the death of Moses, Joshua took up the leadership of Israel.
  • God assured Joshua, He would give him every place that the sole of his feet would tread upon as he promised Moses. He should arise and go over Jordan.
  • Joshua was also assured by God that no man would be able to stand before him. God further assured him that as He was with Moses, so would He be with him.
  • God again promised Joshua that he would be with him and would not fail him or forsake him.
  • God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous so as to be able to lead the people to possess the land.
  • God told him that the book of the law should not depart from his mouth. He should also meditate on the book of the law day and night and he should do according to all that is written in the law so so that he would prosper in all his ways.
  • Finally, God reiterated that Joshua should be strong and of good courage and should not be dismayed.

(b) Benefits of Fulfilling One’s Promises

  • It makes it possible for one to be given responsibilities.
  • One becomes reliable.
  • It makes one trustworthy.
  • It makes one gain respect.
  • It promotes cordial relationships
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 5

(a) Events that took Place After Herod Agrippa1 Killed James (Acts 12:1-19)

  • In his determination to prosecute the church, Herod laid violent hands on some members. He killed James, the brother of John.
  • This act pleased the Jews. Herod, who wanted to please the Jews more, arrested Peter and intended to kill him after the Passover.
  • Whilst in prison, Peter was chained and being guarded by four groups of soldiers so that he would not escape.
  • The brethren met in the house of Mary the mother of the disciple called John Mark to pray for Peter’s safety.
  • At night, an angel of the Lord appeared to Peter and woke him up. Instantly, the chains on him fell off and the angel ordered him to dress up and follow him.
  • Peter obeyed and followed the angel through the first two sentries till they got to the iron gate leading into the city. The gate opened on its own accord and the angel and the Peter went through.
  • When they got into the street, the angel vanished and peter came to the realization that an angel of the Lord came to rescue him from the hands of Herod.
  • Peter immediately went to the house of Mary where the brethren had gathered praying.
  • When Peter knocked the gate, a maid called Rhoda answered and told the brethren Peter was at the door. The brethren told her that she was mad. She insisted that it was Peter and they concluded that it might be pretend angel.
  • Finally, the gate was opened and Peter narrated to them how the Lord had miraculously set him free from prison

(b) Factors That Motivate Christians to Pray

  • When a person is facing challenge.
  • When embarking on a journey.
  • When undertaking a project.
  • To ask for protection against attack of the devil.
  • In adoration of God.
  • Confession of sins.
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 6

(a) How the Problem of Discrimination was Solved in the Early Church (Acts 6:2-6)

  • A complaint was made to the Apostles about discrimination among believers with regards to the welfare of the widows.
  • This problem came up due to the increase in the number of the early church. The Apostles informed the brethren that they could not forgo their main task of preaching the word of God to serve tables.
  • What the Apostles said pleased the whole multitude. They therefore said that competent men should be appointed to be in charge of the daily attribution, so that they would have time to engage in evangelism.
  • Seven men of good character were to be appointed, men filled with the Holy spirit and also men of wisdom.
  • Among them was Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Others were Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicola.
  • The Apostles laid hands on them and prayed for them. This was to signify that they had been commissioned to cater for the welfare of the widows in the early church.


(b) Effects of Discrimination in Society

  • It greatly affects team morale and can lead to apathy at the workplace.
  • It reduces people’s trust and confidence in leadership.
  • It creates a feeling of exclusion or rejection in people.
  • Employees who are discriminated against may feel unappreciated by their employers.
  • It affects loyalty, commitment and sense of ownership at the workplace.
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 7

(a) How Saul Escaped the Plot and Attempt On His Life in Damascus (Acts 9:21-31)

  • After his conversion, Saul remained with the disciples at Damascus for several days. He proclaimed in the synagogue at Damascus that Jesus was the son of God.
  • People who heard him were amaze since they knew him as a serious prosecutor of the believers.
  • The people remarked, “Is not this man who wreaked havoc in Jerusalem on those who called on Jesus’ name?
  • The more the Jews opposed Saul, the more he grew in strength and confounded his opponents.
  • The Jews in Damascus who were against the Christian faith plotted to kill Saul. The enemies of Saul kept close watch on the city gates day and night looking for Saul to take his life.
  • But their plans became known to Saul. So, Saul escaped with the help of the disciples from Damascus to Jerusalem. He was lowered in a basket over the walls of Damascus. Saul went to Jerusalem but the brethren rejected his company even though Barnabas made them aware of his conversion.


(b) Reasons People wish Evil for Others

  • It wins the favour of others (a third party)
  • Due to Jealousy/envy.
  • Due to hatred.
  • Religious/Politics
  • Unhealthy competition/Greed
  • Revenge/Retaliation.



2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 8

(a) Necessary Requirement for Responsible Citizenship According to Peter (1Peter 2:13-17)

  • According to peter, a good citizen should be subject to every human institution for God’s sake. This could be the emperor or the governor.
  • Peter states that the people in authority have been appointed by God to punish wrong doers and reward those who do right.
  • Peter stressed that the behavior of good citizens would put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. He said Christians who are good citizens have been liberated from the curse of the law.
  • Hence, they should live as free men but should not use their freedom as a pretext for evil.
  • They should also respect everyone. They should love the brotherhood.
  • Furthermore, the good citizens should fear God. The good citizens should honour the emperor and all the rulers.
  • Just as Christ suffered unjustly for us, leading as example for us to follow. He did not fight back, he trusted God who is a fair Judge. He gave us Salvation, through his agony and crucifixion we are saved.

(b) Ways Citizens can Contribute to National Development

  • Payment of taxes/rates/bills/dues.
  • Avoidance of social vices.
  • Protect state properties.
  • Taking part in communal labour.
  • Practicing good habits at the workplace/Good work ethics.
  • Being good ambassadors of your country.
2021 WAEC CRK Theory Question 9

(a) Conditions Necessary Under which Christian’s Prayers can be Answered (James 1:2-8; 5:13-18)

  • James advised Christians to be Joyful when they face trials.
  • He holds the view that trials are meant to test one’s faith since when faith is tested, it produces steadfastness. He further said that steadfastness should have its full effect in their lives so that they might be perfect and lack nothing.
  • According to James, if anyone lacks wisdom, he should pray to God who gives generously without reproach.
  • He also said that Christians must repent of their sins and confess them one to another for God is holy and does not tolerate sin.
  • Prayers must be made in faith without doubting for the doubter will receive nothing.
  • James revealed that God is glorified when people pray for the right things. Prayer should be made in accordance to the will of God.
  • Christians should exercise patience when they pray for God’s will to be done. Prayers must be made in humility to be effective.
  • Christians must pray persistently till their prayers are answered.
  • According to James, the fervent prayer of the righteous has great effect.
  • He gave example of Elijah, who prayed fervently for no rain and there was no rain for three years. Elijah prayed again and it rained.
  • James again said that if anyone was cheerful he should sing hymns of praise.
  • He further taught that if anyone was sick, the elders of the church should be invited to pray for person and the prayer of faith would heal the sick.

(b) Types of Prayers Christians Offer
• Prayer of adoration
• Intercessory prayer
• Prayer of supplication/petition
• Prayer of dedication
• Prayer of confession/forgiveness
• Prayer of thanksgiving

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