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  1. Basic Tools for Economic Analysis I | Week 1
    5 Topics
  2. Basic Tools for Economic Analysis II | Week 2
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Theory of Demand | Week 3
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Theory of Supply | Week 4
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Theory of Production Possibility Curve I | Week 5
    1 Topic
  6. Theory of Production Possibility Curve II | Week 6
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Theory of Cost I | Week 7
    2 Topics
  8. Theory of Cost II | Week 8
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Revenue Concept | Week 9
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz

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Topic Content:

  • Basic Cost Concepts
    • Total Fixed Cost (TFC)
    • Total Variable Cost (TVC)
    • Total Cost (TC)
    • Relationship Between TC, TFC and TVC
    • Average Variable Cost (AVC)
    • Average Fixed Cost (AFC)
    • Average Cost (AC) or Average Total Cost (ATC)
    • Relationship Between AC and AVC
    • Marginal Cost (MC)

Total Fixed Cost (TFC):

These are costs incurred by the firm which do not vary with the firm’s level of production. Fixed cost is the cost incurred in acquiring capital goods, it remains constant as output varies even if the output is zero. Fixed Cost is also called supplementary cost. They are sometimes called overhead costs.

Examples are rents paid on buildings, machines, vehicles used by the firm, cost of fixed capital, depreciation charges, etc. Salaries are paid on an annual basis, so they are considered fixed, Insurance premiums are also considered as fixed costs. 

It is a cost that is fixed or remains constant at any label of output whether zero output or infinite level of output.

It is calculated as:



TFC = AFC × Quantity produced.

fixed cost
Fixed cost.

Total Variable Cost (TVC):

These are costs that vary with the level of production (output). 


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Evaluation Questions:

Distinguish between the following concepts of cost

i. Implicit cost and Explicit Cost


Implicit cost is the opportunity cost of the use of productive resources which the producer has and need not pay for e.g. entrepreneur labour. While Explicit cost is the cost of productive resources which the entrepreneur neither has nor controls. Such cost must be paid for e.g. cost of raw materials, hired labour, etc.

ii. Variable cost and Fixed cost


Variable cost is the total of all costs of production that vary with output both in the short and long run respectively. That is, it changes with output

VC = TC – FC

VC = AVC x Q

Fixed cost refers to the total, of all production, that does not vary with the level of output

FC = TC – VC

FC = AFC x Quantity

iii. Total cost and Average variable cost


Total cost refers to the total amount spent in producing a given level of output

TC = FC + VC



Average cost refers to the total cost per unit of output. It is also called Average Total Cost

AC = \( \frac{TC}{Q} \)