Back to School? No Problem!

7 Things you should do to be prepared as you go back-to-school

Hopefully, you got a lot of rest and had a ton of fun during the summer holiday but that has now come to an end and a new school year (and term) is here.

There is usually some stress associated with switching from Holiday Mode to School Mode. However, these are some steps to help guide you to have a stress-free start to your school year (and term).

Here are 7 Things you should do to be Prepared as you go Back to School:

1. Quickly Read through the things you were Taught Last Year:

It is a great idea to refresh your memory. Although, you are in a new class and it is a new term (yay!) – the new information you will be taught in all your subjects will be built on ideas you have learnt in the past. When you read through the things you were taught last term you might be surprised at how much information you have forgotten through the holiday period. This will help put your brain in study mode and get you in the best frame of mind for going back to school.

2. Read through the Scheme of Work of your Various Subjects for the New Term you are In:

This will help you get a little familiar with the topics you will learn in the new term, so nothing comes as a surprise to you in class. 

As you go through the scheme of work, you may spot some topics you might find challenging to learn. It is important you go through the contents of that topic, this way you will be prepared and the topic will be easier to understand when you are taught in class.

3. Get the Study Materials you need for the New Term Together:

It is important you gather the study materials you need for the new term at the start of the term. You need to buy textbooks and notebooks for your various subjects.

In cases where these are expensive, you can buy them second-hand or even borrow from an older friend or relative who has no use for the books at the time. Online study platforms, like, are also great tools to use from the beginning of the term to help you familiarize yourself with the lessons before they are taught in class.

4. Buy New Stationery:

You use so many things to learn in school like pens, pencils, rulers, calculators, maths sets, pencil cases, jotters and many more. Buying new stationery you love (when you can afford it) can be surprisingly motivational and even make your studies more interesting (I bet you would like that!).


5. Get your Uniform(s) and School Bag Ready:

It is important you make sure all the uniforms you have for school are washed and ironed, that is, your regular uniform, P.H.E uniform and other special uniforms you might have for school. If any of them has holes, those holes need to be sewn so your uniform looks good on you. A clean uniform will feel great when you wear it. The same rules apply to your school bag – it needs to be washed and any holes in the bag or on the strap need to be sewn and your school bag will be good as new. You should also pack your bag for school with all the notebooks, textbooks and stationery you need. If you are one of the lucky few (yes, few) who has new uniforms and a new school bag – that’s great. Just make sure your new school bag is packed.

A little sidenote – As a child, you may not be capable of doing all these chores yourself so it is important you have an adult help you.

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6. Make some Resolutions for the Term:

You are not too young to set resolutions for yourself. Resolutions are a great idea, you can set goals for how you want your new school term to go. Some examples of resolutions you can set are;

  • to do your homework immediately you get home.
  • study for 2 hours after school before you watch television or play with your siblings and/or friends.
  • raise your hand up more in class to ask and answer questions.
  • to study during your free periods instead of just gisting or playing with your friends.

You can choose resolution(s) out of the ones stated here or come up with your own, it is always a great idea to start the term with positive study habits. This will help you reach new academic heights!

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7. Remember, You Got This!

As long as you do your best and study – you will do great!

We wish you the best of luck,

Kofastudy Team.


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