Can Jamb Caps Offer a Candidate More Than One Admission?

jamb caps

Before the introduction of the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) there used to be multiple admission for candidates. There were cases of candidates having 3 to 4 admissions from different schools at the same time. This usually causes a discrepancy in the whole admission process some candidates who are qualified for admission had no opportunity to be considered for admission whereas another candidate has about 4 admissions from different schools.

This necessitated the introduction of the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS). With this in place, admission becomes more regulated by JAMB. The system controls and regulates all admission processes.

This makes it impossible to get admission from more than one school at the same time because of the reasons below;

Once  a school gives you admission, no other school will give you another until you reject the one given to you;

Once you have been given admission in your school of choice, no other school can give you admission until you have rejected the one that has already been given to you or until the admission is withdrawn either by JAMB or the school.  With this, it becomes impossible to get more than one admission at the same time.

Accepting Admission On Jamb Caps Closes your Admission window

Once a candidate has been given admission on Jamb Caps and candidates accept the admission, the admission window for that candidate automatically closes for that admission year.

This equally means that you will no longer be giving admission by other schools (universities, Polytechnics, College of Education).


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