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Types of Constitutions
Topic Content:
- Types of Constitutions
Types of ConstitutionA constitution is a set of fundamental rules that determine how a country or state is run. More include;
1. Written constitution
2. Unwritten constitution
3. Rigid constitution
4. Flexible constitution
Written Constitution: This is the type of law which is contained in a single document.
Unwritten Constitution: This type of constitution is also known as oral. They are constitutions that existed before the act of writing, they are usually not documented in black and white i.e. (writing) or written in a single book.
Rigid Constitution: This is a type of constitution that cannot be changed easily after establishment. For there to be an amendment, it has to go through due processDue process is the carrying out of legal matters according to established rules and principles and that individuals be treated fairly and their rights respected. More: a rigorous, difficult process.
Flexible Constitution: These are constitutions that can be changed easily, whenever the need arises. They give room for manipulation.