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  1. Introduction To Basic Language I | Week 1
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  2. Introduction To Basic Language II | Week 2
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Computer Ethics I | Week 3
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Computer Ethics II | Week 4
    2 Topics
    1 Quiz
  5. Safety Measures In Computer Environment | Week 5
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  6. Computer Graphics Packages I | Week 6
    3 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. Computer Graphic Packages II | Week 7
    6 Topics
    1 Quiz
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Topic Content:

  • Computer Room Management

1. The computer room must always be clean and tidy. The environment must be dust-free.

2. The computer room must be well-ventilated.

3. There should be UPS in case of power failure.

4. The computer system must be well set up before usage.

5. A power surge must be provided to arrest high-voltage.

6. All electronic devices must be switched off at the close of the day.

7. The computer room must be well-lighted and bright.

8. There should be a fire extinguisher in case of a fire outbreak.

9. Cables should not be left all over the floor in an untidy manner.

10. You should avoid water and liquid from touching the keys of the keyboard.

11. You should carry out regular routine cleaning.

12. Computers should be kept in a non-combustible or fire-resistant building or room.

13. Computers should not be kept above, below, or adjacent to areas where hazardous materials or gases are stored, manufactured, or processed.

14. The roof, ceiling, and floor above the computer room and the storage area for recorded media should be watertight (liquid piping, roof drains and other potential sources of liquid damage should be re-routed around the area where computers are kept).

15. Exiting should be readily accessible to individuals in the computer room. Tables and chairs should be arranged in a comfortable and organised manner to ease movement in and out of the computer room.

16. There must be no smoking in the computer room.

17. There must be an air-conditioner to make the computer room cool as computers can be damaged when the computer rooms are very hot.

18. Avoid unnecessary storage of combustible material in data centres.

19. Visitors alone must not be allowed into the computer room; staff must accompany them.

20. All computers and other equipment using electricity must be switched off when they are not in use.

21. There must be window blinds to prevent direct rays of the sun from reaching the screen which could cause screen glare.

22. It must have burglary proof against thefts.