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The Arrest of Peter and John (Acts 3: 11-44, Acts 4: 1-31)

After the day of Pentecost, the apostles continued to preach the Gospel. The main message of their preaching was Jesus is the expected Messiah and Saviour but the Jews had rejected Him. God raised Him up so that whoever believes in Him would be saved and have eternal life.

The Jews opposed the Gospel message for two reasons;

1. Some of them rejected the good news about Jesus because they did not believe He could be the expected Messiah and Saviour.

2. Some people, such as Sadducees, did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

On a certain day at 3 p.m., Peter and John were going to worship in the Temple. At the gate of the Temple called “Beautiful” there was a man who had been crippled from birth, begging for alms. Peter and John saw him and Peter healed him in the name of Jesus. They then walked with him into the Temple.


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