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  1. Local Government Administration | Week 1
    4 Topics
  2. Structure of Local Government | Week 2
    7 Topics
    1 Quiz
  3. Local Government Reforms | Week 3
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  4. Pre-Colonial Political Administration In Nigeria | Week 4, 5 & 6
    6 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  5. Colonialism | Week 7
    5 Topics
  6. British Colonial Administration in Nigeria I | Week 8
    4 Topics
    1 Quiz
  7. British Colonial Administration in Nigeria II | Week 9
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  8. French Colonial Administration | Week 10
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  9. Leadership and Followership | Week 11
    8 Topics
  • excellence
  • Follow

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Topic Content:

  • Theory Questions and Answers – Leadership and Followership

Theory Questions and Answers – Leadership and Followership:

1. a. Define the following: (a) Leader (b) Leadership (c) Follower (d) Followership

2. Identify the qualities of a Good Leader.

3. Identify the qualities of a Good follower.

4. What are the roles of a Good Leader?

5. What are the roles of a Good Follower?

6. What are the consequences of Bad Leadership and Followership?

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Theory Questions – Leadership and Followership

1. a. Define the following:

(a) Leader


A leader shows the way and directs a group to achieve its set goals and objectives. A leader gets things done by enlisting the efforts and actions of other people and channelling them towards achieving organizational goals. A leader directs, controls, leads, coordinates and organizes other people to ensure the set goals and aspirations are achieved.


(b) Leadership


Leadership is the ability or capability to direct, shape, and influence the decisions, actions and activities of others towards the achievement of set goals of an organization. A leader induces his subordinates to work with confidence and zeal. He also influences them towards the realization of organizational goals. Leadership uses management skills, and their organizational strategy to provide directives and build an inspiring vision and achieve unimaginable goals.

(c) Follower


A follower is anyone who accepts the authority of another person and abides by his instructions and directives. In human organizations like States, religious organizations, LGAs, etc. Followers must obey the directives of leaders for the organizational goals to be achieved.

(d) Followership


It is the act of adhering to the direction, control, leadership, co-ordination or influence of a leader, to achieve set goals in a group. It can also be defined as a body of people who follow the directives of a leader to achieve goals in a group.


2. Identify the qualities of a Good Leader.


  • Good Communication Skill: A leader must be articulate and have the ability to express his intentions in clear, unambiguous language to his followers.
  • High Sense of Responsibility: Leaders should be accountable, selfless, dutiful and people-oriented.
  • Visionary and Focused: Leaders must have foresight. They must have new ideas, and new plans, proactive and creative.
  • High Integrity: A good leader has character that is trustworthy, dependable and reliable. He cannot compromise illegality.
  • Knowledge: A good leader knows his or her duties and responsibilities. He/she is versatile and intelligent. He/she must be able to apply knowledge appropriately to resolve challenges they encounter.
  • Delegation of Power: A good leader delegates power but must have effective control of such delegated power. A Leader must monitor and supervise such delegated powers.
  • Respect the Rule of Law: A good leader shall respect the law, ensure equality and protect the Fundamental human rights of the citizens.
  • Must Have Will Power to Succeed: A leader must have the willpower to succeed. He/she must be courageous and firm.
  • Tactful and Diplomatic: A good leader must exercise tactics, courtesy and good strategy in handling issues.
  • Adaptive to Changes: A good leader must be ready to adapt to changing social and economic environment. They will reduce hardship among the people and restore people’s support for the leader.


3. Identify the qualities of a Good follower.


  • Good Communication Skill: A good follower shall learn to speak up when necessary. He/she offers opinions on issues which can direct the leaders. A follower shall know how to persuade the leaders into action.
  • Hardworking: Followers shall not be docile. Followers shall be diligent and committed to the organization.
  • Courageous: Followers must be courageous enough to confront and challenge their leaders especially when they feel the leaders are derailing.
  • Loyalty: Followers must show strong allegiance and commitment to the organization or their leaders.
  • Knowledge: Followers must have relevant knowledge and skills to follow the leaders. They do not need to follow the leaders blindly if they are knowledgeable.
  • Proactive and Take Initiative: Followers need not wait until they are instructed. They should use their initiative.
  • Enlightenment: Followers are well informed of their roles, roles of the leaders, objectives and activities of the organization.
  • Participatory Follower: Followers are not to be aloof but take an active part in carrying out their duties in an organization.
  • Law Abiding and Respect Constituted Authority: A good follower must respect the leader.


4. What are the roles of a Good Leader?


  • Support, Acceptability and Recognition: Good leadership attracts support, recognition and acceptability from the followers.
  • Initiative Broad Plans and Strategies for Development: A good leader can initiate action by communicating the policies and plans to the followers. He/she knows where he/she is going and how best to get to his/her destination.
  • Create a Positive Environment: Good leadership will create and promote a peaceful and cordial environment that will aid effective followership.
  • Inspire Co-operation: Cooperation of the followers increases when the leadership motivate and works with the followers to see that the goal is achieved.
  • Provision of Guidance: Good leadership will provide the followers with the way they have to perform their work effectively and efficiently.
  • Effective Coordination and Monitoring:  Effective coordination and monitoring of the numerous activities of the leadership will ensure the reconciliation of the followers’ interests with the goal of the group.


5. What are the roles of a Good Follower?


  • Good Communication Skill: A good follower shall learn to speak up when necessary. He offers his opinions on issues which can direct the leaders. A follower shall know how to persuade the leaders into action.
  • Check the Excesses of the Leader: Effective followers ensure the leader carries out their duties. They check bad leaders.
  • Contribute to Public Decision Making: Followers take part in decision-making. They vote in elections to elect their leaders.
  • Election of Leaders: Followers choose their leaders, at times through free and fair elections.
  • Execution of Policies: Followers ensure that organizational policies are carried out.
  • Hold the Leaders Accountable and Responsible: The followers ensure that leaders account for their stewardship in office.
  • Support the Leader: Followers must give support, acceptance and cooperation to the leaders to ensure the achievement of organizational goals.
  • Respect Constituted Authority: Followers must respect constituted authorities, (the leaders). Only then can they work together to achieve stated goals.


6. What are the consequences of Bad Leadership and Followership?


  • No Respect for the Rule of Law: Bad leadership may lead to blatant disregard for the rule of law.
  • Electoral Malpractice: It can also lead to thuggery, intimidation, snatching of ballot papers and other ills during elections.
  • Increase in Insecurity: Poor attitudes and negative actions of leaders and followers endanger lives and properties in the state.
  • Corruption: Poor moral principles and debased conduct of followers and leaders await such a system.
  • Unemployment: Bad leadership and followership may also lead to a dwindling economy which may force some businesses to close down therefore promoting unemployment.
  • No Investors: It can also result in local and foreign investors closing their investments and moving their business out of the country.
  • Poor Planning and National Development: The leaders may lack foresight or ideas on how to create an enabling environment that will promote national development.
  • Decay Infrastructure: The infrastructure will be neglected. Funds earmarked for such infrastructural development or its maintenance may be misappropriated.
  • Disregards for Court Orders: The leaders in such systems may disregard Court orders and mandamus.
  • Violation of Fundamental Human Rights: The rights of followers may not be effectively guaranteed.